Message from @sommeracct

Discord ID: 786063947404804106

2020-12-09 02:50:56 UTC  

It is a local electoral issue, GA state board needs to investigate and find substantiated proof to charge. Some voiceless video cannot stand in court without detailed investigation

2020-12-09 02:51:03 UTC  

@SukiLove you do the math

2020-12-09 02:51:12 UTC  

Where did you hear this @SukiLove

2020-12-09 02:51:47 UTC  

@kevin_405 where is it that you practice law?

2020-12-09 02:51:48 UTC  


2020-12-09 02:51:50 UTC  

There's no way to really audit the election for the type of fraud that is alleged.

If you goto an individual and ask them how they voted there's no way to verify if what they say is correct.

2020-12-09 02:52:10 UTC  

True story

2020-12-09 02:52:24 UTC  

@kevin_405 but she did an Instagram video talking to all her followers showing what she was doing, the mom did

2020-12-09 02:52:25 UTC  


2020-12-09 02:52:39 UTC  

@kevin_405 they investigated that video and found no malfeasance and everything was done per law. Regarding the table video

2020-12-09 02:53:10 UTC  

I bet they never find that professors body

2020-12-09 02:53:36 UTC  

Packing a court just to gain power is a power grab. Giving amnesty to 11 million illegals to gain votes. Is a power grab. Killing the philabuster is a powe grab. Adding two more states just to gain seats in the senate is a power grab

2020-12-09 02:53:36 UTC  

@SukiLove, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-09 02:53:55 UTC  

@SukiLove I asked where you heard that joe Biden would do that.

2020-12-09 02:53:55 UTC  


2020-12-09 02:53:58 UTC  

Never getting way of your enemy while he's stomping on his own dick.

sun tzu

2020-12-09 02:54:01 UTC  

I saw it , I doubt it is enough , if it was she would have been charged already

2020-12-09 02:54:25 UTC  

Also the killing the filibuster worked out in the gops favor @SukiLove

2020-12-09 02:54:53 UTC  

You know this how?

2020-12-09 02:56:06 UTC  

Not answering the question asked repeatedly is an answer. And the dems have said that repeatedly. He had many chances to out right say he wouldn't. Even when asked in the debates and he DIDNT so yeah that is an agreement in my book.

2020-12-09 02:57:29 UTC  

@kevin_405 they said she lawyered up of course doesn't mean we can assume because charges have already been brought

2020-12-09 02:58:48 UTC  

@SukiLove ? Yeah I asked where you heard that. Is that not a fair question

2020-12-09 02:59:11 UTC  

Oh not answering,

2020-12-09 02:59:12 UTC  

Georgia had 2 hand recounts , numbers did not change. The freeman lady was only responsible for running them threw tabulators. So they were preprocessed ballots. So if she was counting illegal ballot they came from previous step not her step of tabulation.

2020-12-09 02:59:44 UTC  

Alright I've answed you more times than I care to. No offense. But look into it on your own time. And we can chat about it later.

2020-12-09 03:00:37 UTC  

That’s not really a answer especially the way “packing can be taken”. I say if “packing” means adding one more justice to undo the gop hypocrisy that is fine. If it’s adding a bunch of justices then no. We don’t know what Biden is going to do. @SukiLove

2020-12-09 03:00:43 UTC  

I say he won’t do anything

2020-12-09 03:01:46 UTC  

Yeah. You say. Well thats all we need then I guess. Cause he didn't answer the question to that when he was asked in front of millions of Americans.

2020-12-09 03:01:57 UTC  

The department of Justice for sure and attorneys determine case worthiness versus cost and other factors before taking on a case. If the department of Justice takes on a case then likely they believe they will win. The kraken are burning fan funds and give 0 fuzts.

2020-12-09 03:02:02 UTC  


2020-12-09 03:02:19 UTC  

I doubt there will be packing of SC even if Democrats win the Senate. I think the more likely scenario is they put 10 year term limits on SC.

2020-12-09 03:02:19 UTC  

Yeah because “packing” can be interpreted in a nefarious way or a reasonable way @SukiLove Biden didnt need that sound bite

2020-12-09 03:02:19 UTC  

@james j what's right

2020-12-09 03:02:56 UTC  

@kevin_405 I doubt it too. Biden doesn’t have the balls

2020-12-09 03:03:00 UTC  

Nor the senate

2020-12-09 03:03:06 UTC  

actually joe biden did say that when asked that voters dont deserve to know

2020-12-09 03:03:10 UTC  

They wouldn’t rock the boat that hard

2020-12-09 03:03:19 UTC  


2020-12-09 03:03:26 UTC  


2020-12-09 03:03:56 UTC  

Wow.. SMH. ok. In light of what we have seen in this election. Coming from San Francisco and being a previous democrat.. im just going to politely laugh at your naivity. Ok. Youre right. Lets believe anything coming out of their mouths. Cause all the states they run are doing so well.

2020-12-09 03:04:07 UTC  

I am not sure it is a issue that matters to everyone on Democratic side.