Message from @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

Discord ID: 786279313841455124

2020-12-09 17:01:26 UTC  

They should cross examine Melissa Carone. I’d pay to watch that!

2020-12-09 17:02:15 UTC  

So you're saying the United States uses its military forces to protect the racquets of corporate bosses, paid for by everyday Joe and janes, as corporations do not pay tax.

2020-12-09 17:02:39 UTC  

I like it.

2020-12-09 17:02:51 UTC  

Interesting... You don't dispute that what I said was true. Because you can't. You instead accuse me of "getting paid". It's a clear indication of not being on the side of a supportable position when you have to attack someone that doesn't agree with you.

2020-12-09 17:02:52 UTC  

But let's be honest azriona aside if the opposing counsel can show your "experts" are unqualified and refused to use industry standard methods and refused to show their methodology you shouldn't be pretending they are actual legitimate evidence to begin with.

2020-12-09 17:03:50 UTC  

If you're getting paid please let me know how I can get paid as well. Tks up front.

2020-12-09 17:03:52 UTC  

They did ask her questions she failed then all especially the one disproving her entire testimony 😂

2020-12-09 17:05:55 UTC  

@TaLoN132 we need a complete ban on anything made in China. They need our food, we don’t need their poison like baby food, drywall, dog food and cheap disposables and unreliable products. They’re also allowed to steal our technology because corrupt politicians encourage AND allow it. They pass laws to protect China. Look at the voting history of each bill. It tells a compelling story

2020-12-09 17:07:21 UTC  

I may be late in the game catching up on politics, but it doesn’t mean I will swallow any BS thrown at me

2020-12-09 17:07:28 UTC  

Please explain how Socialism conflicts with Capitalism... How would having a public option or Universal Healthcare prevent you from making money? How does paying our teachers, firemen/women, police, sanitation workers, transit workers, etc. which are arguably social services - make it harder for companies to make a profit? These are all part of our mixed economy and it works. So tell me how your statement makes perfect sense?

2020-12-09 17:07:33 UTC  

I'd start a GoFundMe to have Democrats finance sending Trumps crack legal team back to law school to figure out how to make a winning lawsuit but I'm pretty sure they got enough millions of dollars already off this scam

2020-12-09 17:08:06 UTC  

I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Are you cherry picking testimonies that had issues? Was this under oath?

2020-12-09 17:08:48 UTC  

I’m not sure if you can throw out a case because one of a dozen witnesses supposedly failed to use industry standards.

2020-12-09 17:09:17 UTC  

Is Sidney Kraken exposed to litigation from dominion ?

2020-12-09 17:10:18 UTC  

The entire panel of kraken experts was discarded because they were unqualified, refused to show how they got their data, refused to use standard methods of getting data, didnt even do their own research, and used opinions instead of facts to drive their testimony. Not cherry picking. All of them. So what are Democrats supposed to be doing to get that nonsense before a judge?

2020-12-09 17:10:29 UTC  

China is allowed to get away with things because we have been forced to be dependent on their manufacturing services due to corporations looking to maximize profits. US corporations (driven by unbridled capitalism that favors the wealthy) who contribute to the campaigns of politicians on both sides of the political aisle who allow it to happen.

2020-12-09 17:11:17 UTC  

Socialism is an economic and political system under which the means of production are publicly owned. Production and consumer prices are then controlled by the government to best meet the needs of the people.

Means of production being publicly owned is absolutely a direct conflict of capitalism!

2020-12-09 17:11:48 UTC  

In who’s opinion were the experts unqualified?

2020-12-09 17:11:49 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-12-09 17:12:45 UTC  

Lobbyist and campaign contributions should also be banned!

2020-12-09 17:13:16 UTC  

I’d like to look up the case and see the ruling.

2020-12-09 17:13:17 UTC  

Trump and Bush appointed judges. So what are Democrats supposed to do to get them before a judge? File a petition to accept lies and conspiracies? You arent describing your expectations of Democrats actions required here but pretending it's their fault.

2020-12-09 17:14:03 UTC  

There's very in degrees of socialism, parts of the economy like healthcare could be socialized in private property rights could be maintained.

2020-12-09 17:15:00 UTC  

I’d like to look up the case and see if both sides were cross examined, and if the case was dismissed because the experts were unqualified and didn’t use industry standards, as you claim.

2020-12-09 17:16:24 UTC  

They dont cross examine fake experts. They get dismissed. That's a different case. You still havent said how Democrats are supposed to get bad GOP witnesses in front of a judge

2020-12-09 17:16:27 UTC  

Have to work. Bbl

2020-12-09 17:16:30 UTC  

For example the fire department is in nefarious socialist organization as well as the police department

2020-12-09 17:17:19 UTC  

I see. So trump team was not afforded an opportunity to provide “proof”.

2020-12-09 17:17:56 UTC  

Nobody is advocating for the state to own the means of production. Show me one US politician that advocates this. Not even Bernie Sanders who refers to himself as a Democratic Socialist advocates for that. You're railing against something that isn't happening. If it were, I would be the first to do everything to expose and stop it... but it's not. It's simply a bunch of politicians who want your vote telling you that you should be afraid of their opponents without a shred of proof that it is true. If you have proof, please share it and I will get on your bandwagon.

2020-12-09 17:19:07 UTC  

Their proof and qualifications were in their affidavits. The court judged them insufficient. So what are Democrats supposed to do? Say no your honor let's hear what their fake experts want to say and waste this courts time and humiliate ourselves for losing to a clown like Ghouliani. What's your expectations? Why are you blaming us for Trumps lies?

2020-12-09 17:19:11 UTC  

Is that like charging at windmills?. Inquiring minds want to know.

2020-12-09 17:19:14 UTC  

When the Fed buys equity shares, that is the state owning the means of production. There are quite a few people advocating that directly or indirectly.

2020-12-09 17:20:06 UTC  

And one more thing I say if you're not down with socialism disconnect the water sanitary sewer and any other municipal supplied service to your house, people need to stand up against this nefarious socialism the best way to do this is by practicing the rhetoric.

2020-12-09 17:21:16 UTC  

Courts arent built to just let your opponent walk all over you because they feel they should be able to present lies. The burden of proof of fraud lies on the accuser. They also should 100% not give an inch to GOP BAD FAITH lawsuits.

2020-12-09 17:21:16 UTC  

If you have a municipal landfill you need to stop sending your refuse to this hard left institution.

2020-12-09 17:22:12 UTC  

They have been... Check out the NV case last week. The Trump Campaign was allowed to bring their best witnesses and experts forward to testify under oath in depositions under cross examination that were presented in court and considered by a judge. This hearing was live-streamed and you can check it out for yourself. In fact, I highly encourage you to, because it will let you see just how strong (or not) the Trump case is. There is a reason why it was dismissed - and it wasn't for lack of opportunity to present evidence. It was because they presented no credible evidence that could stand up to scrutiny. But please check for yourself...

2020-12-09 17:22:25 UTC  

These weren't just frivolous lawsuits. They were lawsuits that wanted to steal the election. You act like there's no harm to entertaining them 🤣

2020-12-09 17:22:52 UTC  

You are such a socialist nation. Makes our NHS look like capitalism.

2020-12-09 17:22:55 UTC  

I have yet to see a case dismissed by a federal judge because expert witnesses were deemed unqualified. Happy to see evidence I’m wrong.

2020-12-09 17:22:58 UTC  

We need to usher in the age of pure capitalism, go back to the days where people joined fire associations in order to get protection from the fire department, I'm sure your insurance underwriter will love it.