Message from @dnindustry

Discord ID: 786342527211929602

2020-12-09 21:19:11 UTC  

Who the hell is E?

2020-12-09 21:19:11 UTC  

Yeah the internet bubble via algorithms meant to make life easier has really messed with people

2020-12-09 21:19:24 UTC  


2020-12-09 21:19:44 UTC  

AKA quantitative easing

2020-12-09 21:19:49 UTC  

Trump won because..79,646 voted. For him

2020-12-09 21:20:03 UTC  

What happened to making sure that all legally cast ballots are counted?

2020-12-09 21:20:23 UTC  

Is this confirmation bias?

2020-12-09 21:21:23 UTC  

Are people really pretending this is about fraud and legal ballots being cast and not about a bunch of people not being able to reconcile that despite their enthusiasm more people just voted for Biden

2020-12-09 21:21:35 UTC  

That is what the Law Determines and up to the Trier of Fact and Law.

2020-12-09 21:21:43 UTC  

There shouldn't be any doubt in anybody's mind that the incestuous relationship with corporate interests from the United States and the Chinese Communist party are very bad..

2020-12-09 21:22:25 UTC  

Yes... I watch her testimony. It was not convincing. Even without the benefit of cross examination.

2020-12-09 21:22:33 UTC  

🤞time to squeal! 🐷

2020-12-09 21:22:39 UTC  

Offshoring computer hardware manufacturing was a huge mistake.

2020-12-09 21:23:10 UTC  

@busillis thank the Walmart shoppers that feed the biggest company in the world and depends on China

2020-12-09 21:23:12 UTC  


2020-12-09 21:23:16 UTC  

@AdamS Some new psyop that appeared on Parler a few weeks ago that posted supposed insider information without the cryptic wording of Q

2020-12-09 21:23:32 UTC  

It's not the Walmart shoppers it's the legislation that allowed the products in the country.

2020-12-09 21:24:08 UTC  

It’s the Walmart shoppers that continue to go to Walmart and then say they care about American made products and small businesses @busillis

2020-12-09 21:24:18 UTC  

@busillis Idk man when I look upon my GPU I like to smell the Pesant Tears

2020-12-09 21:24:28 UTC  

James. You might be right, but Nah pretty sure it's about as dishonest and un-American democratic garbage . Ask the same thing 12:01pm jan 20 2021...when anti-alpha ...I mean antifa is burning down my home town again because a rapist tried to stab a cop

2020-12-09 21:24:29 UTC  

When will this end!?

2020-12-09 21:24:51 UTC  

That's a common tactic to blame the end user for the malfeasance of the system sort of what happens with the global warming narrative oligarchs who design the system now blame end user utilizing the system.

2020-12-09 21:24:52 UTC  

But per our previous discussion, you were asserting that ballots that were cast by a legal voter in good faith could be later determined to be illegal because of a technicality later on the process. It does not mean that the ballot was not legal when it was cast. The mantra on both sides has been that all legally cast ballots should be counted.

2020-12-09 21:25:40 UTC  

You are a hard MFer

2020-12-09 21:26:16 UTC  

@dnindustry nope , it’s the American voter who has no idea what he is participating in while claiming they care about subjects that they don’t realize they are going against @dnindustry

2020-12-09 21:26:39 UTC  

Sure what financial choice do they? Amazon? Globalism has destroyed the small time operator.

2020-12-09 21:26:44 UTC  

@busillis Walmart executives are huge donors to right wing organizations

2020-12-09 21:26:54 UTC  

I am sorry that your chosen media echo chamber has resulted in so much fear... I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you find out it was unfounded.

2020-12-09 21:27:17 UTC  

@busillis they love China

2020-12-09 21:27:36 UTC  

We love China

2020-12-09 21:27:44 UTC  

No my position is/was that the Courts can determine if the Law was followed during the Election Process. It's not up to the Courts to determine Voters Intent or Criminal Liability.

2020-12-09 21:28:10 UTC  

They cause the problems they now complain about and hope their voter base doesn’t notice they messed up @busillis

2020-12-09 21:28:12 UTC  

Propagating the mythology of a left-right paradigm disingenuous

2020-12-09 21:28:24 UTC  

@busillis I’m just talking about China

2020-12-09 21:28:53 UTC  

I understand this, would McCain have been any different than Obama, or Romney and Obama?

2020-12-09 21:29:25 UTC  

@james j China is just seeing free money and taking it, you can’t really blame them either

2020-12-09 21:29:37 UTC  

@busillis yeah she is neo lib, the further back you go the more conservative the liberal politicians become and the conservatives politicians even more conservative.