Message from @inwa

Discord ID: 787184010362486795

2020-12-12 03:57:40 UTC  


2020-12-12 03:58:25 UTC  

The living standard western cityzens has grown to love is a product of 100 small wars inside other countries.

2020-12-12 03:58:55 UTC  

Now they want to keep that living standard...they accept no reduction in it....but also want a stop to intervensionism....

2020-12-12 03:59:08 UTC  

well, here is the news, you fools, you cant have both!

2020-12-12 03:59:52 UTC  

(This is what no politician can say. Which illustrates why democracy only works under certain conditions)

2020-12-12 04:00:53 UTC  

and good night, good people.

2020-12-12 04:00:59 UTC  

Have a nice evening. 😄

2020-12-12 04:01:21 UTC  

@Doc knight

2020-12-12 04:09:23 UTC  
2020-12-12 04:09:31 UTC  

Doc alluded to wars as product...come on people. War is not the answer.

2020-12-12 04:11:32 UTC  

Living standards being a product (causally linked, dependent) on small wars in other nations

2020-12-12 04:13:04 UTC  

Like enjoying a nice painting is a product of a factory making paint and then the artist painting it

2020-12-12 04:13:54 UTC  
2020-12-12 04:40:56 UTC  

They’ll keep the families and elderly safe from antifa attacking them.

2020-12-12 04:44:12 UTC  

They are at InfoWars right now partying.

2020-12-12 05:01:58 UTC  

Yes, Doc. We are not ignorant and see it clearly. The Shakur's and domestic terrorism, propoganda over the centuries. Only today, a divide of ideology and dangerous noninclusive two party system. When the path to freedom threatens to swallow you whole, you take back by force, no? Tyranny in the light during it's darkest hour.

2020-12-12 05:04:14 UTC  
2020-12-12 05:06:13 UTC  
2020-12-12 05:08:08 UTC

2020-12-12 05:08:13 UTC  

Who are not very pleased, the gods with democracy. An existential threat unfolding. Must always watch what the left hand accuses the right hand of doing, for it's always the left hand that holds the weight while the right is finite.

2020-12-12 05:09:02 UTC  

I see unrest in Kurdistan and Iraq...hmm...

2020-12-12 05:09:45 UTC  

That’s because society naturally trends left as base needs as a whole declines

2020-12-12 05:10:30 UTC  

Life is good but the conservatives shtick has always been about the sky falling whenever any progress is made

2020-12-12 05:10:42 UTC  

Doc. I donnot understand rn. Please, do explain

2020-12-12 05:11:50 UTC  

What I miss? I’m slow this early morning.

2020-12-12 05:11:55 UTC  

First he made them employees.

2020-12-12 05:12:17 UTC  

rich people on both ends is all there is

2020-12-12 05:12:21 UTC  

Yes, society always devolves away from personal freedoms resulting in civil war.

2020-12-12 05:14:29 UTC  

Funny how "progress" always threatens personal freedoms. There may be reason why conservatives hope for a better contingency plan but are wary from 5k yrs of history. Basic logic but the movers and shakers are completely indoctrinated.

2020-12-12 05:14:58 UTC  

The civil war was conservatives trying to not give up owning people. That’s going against freedom

2020-12-12 05:15:26 UTC  

Conservative back then complained about not having the freedom to own people

2020-12-12 05:15:38 UTC  

Churches want freedom to scam their Parrish

2020-12-12 05:15:49 UTC  

Very narrow your choice of civil war. Take a look around the world since the inception of time. What we see is not here and now.

2020-12-12 05:16:25 UTC  

You brought up the civil war. That was about making sure people couldn’t be free

2020-12-12 05:16:49 UTC  

No one said we live in the 1860s

2020-12-12 05:18:07 UTC  

The world trends left as base drives are met because people come out of a survival mindset

2020-12-12 05:18:08 UTC  

Are you not a natrual, free thinking human? This has nothing to do with has everything to do with personal freedoms, equality and justice for all...not categorical deadzones of philosophical reproach. Ordinary people are for people.

2020-12-12 05:19:04 UTC  

Right like the personal freedoms to own people and scam people . That’s what I have found conservatives to mean when they talk about personal freedoms.

2020-12-12 05:19:41 UTC  

People are part of the whole of society. Wedges are driven between them to ensure power.

2020-12-12 05:20:27 UTC  

No wedges are driven by people convincing people who don’t have exposure to other paradigms to remain in a certain paradigm