Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 787229764992761916

2020-12-12 08:00:44 UTC  

Sorry if the evidence is not fast enough for you @Dedkraken

2020-12-12 08:01:01 UTC  

Who cares?

2020-12-12 08:01:15 UTC  

We have war to worry with

2020-12-12 08:01:44 UTC  

Trumps going to be responsible for more people out of a home than the housing market crisis while a 9/11 of Americans dies every day

2020-12-12 08:02:02 UTC  

No, thank Pelosi

2020-12-12 08:02:12 UTC  

If you thought a pandemic was bad before 10s of millions go homeless....

2020-12-12 08:02:25 UTC  

trump did everything, all of covid, a governor has no responsibility for anything in our new republic of lies

2020-12-12 08:03:01 UTC  

Won’t happen. War will be over before then. Then finally Pelosi will be gone and we can get things done.

2020-12-12 08:03:14 UTC  

It's going to be an interesting xmas

2020-12-12 08:03:52 UTC  

It sure is HUGE GRIN

2020-12-12 08:03:58 UTC  

when decent hard working honest Americans finally push back, the socialistic leftists will try to rewrite its history immediately lol

2020-12-12 08:04:02 UTC  

If you want to talk about starting wars this isnt the place for you. Parler is that way ---->

2020-12-12 08:04:43 UTC  

I’m not talking about starting wars. I’m stating the fact that we are in a war. This is a fact

2020-12-12 08:05:02 UTC  

Uh huh

2020-12-12 08:05:44 UTC  

SHTF long ago, its a slow roll, CCP has been at war with America since Korea, low intensity long term conflict, read their freaking books and papers they put out

2020-12-12 08:05:50 UTC  

We are under National Emergency under the EO 2018

2020-12-12 08:06:32 UTC  

CCP instigators are the worst part of this war

2020-12-12 08:07:28 UTC  

alot is coming out, swallswell and feinstein totally corrupted by the chinese, and biden is in their back pocket lol

2020-12-12 08:08:07 UTC  

The CCP crawls every chat. It’s beyond disturbing to watch

2020-12-12 08:08:20 UTC  

And we fall for it...

2020-12-12 08:10:01 UTC  

the emperor has no clothes now

2020-12-12 08:10:47 UTC  

its blatant corruption, fraud, and censorship

2020-12-12 08:13:21 UTC  

the left wont even question the globalists and communist Chinese, literally running death camps, internment camps, organ harvesting, mass pollution, take over Hong Kong, attacking India.. sad state of affairs

2020-12-12 08:13:40 UTC  

I think that’s coming

2020-12-12 08:14:05 UTC  

Fix one MASSIVE problem at a time? Laser focus

2020-12-12 08:14:27 UTC  

I think this is the strategy

2020-12-12 08:15:15 UTC  

I don’t think it’s forgotten AT ALL:)

2020-12-12 08:15:55 UTC  

need to fix the broken ass corrupt voting

2020-12-12 08:16:06 UTC  

Right on

2020-12-12 08:16:25 UTC  

Then we can actually vote on stuff again lol

2020-12-12 08:16:42 UTC  

a receipt would be nice, to make sure ur vote is counted lol

2020-12-12 08:17:22 UTC  

Yes or some way to track it. I predict federal legislation on this, soon

2020-12-12 08:17:24 UTC  

i get a stupid sticker here that says "I voted"

2020-12-12 08:17:36 UTC  


2020-12-12 08:19:39 UTC  

when everything about dominion and the way even poll workers can do fraud, i figured everyone would care, even leftists who cried about foreign interference in the election by bots on twitter, but their guy won thats all they care about

2020-12-12 08:20:37 UTC  

I think they call that smoking out the fox hole?

2020-12-12 08:21:25 UTC  

The angry ones, the ones running, they tend to raise a brow

2020-12-12 08:21:27 UTC  

right lol

2020-12-12 08:23:04 UTC  

Good night to you. Sleep well. Mental relief is on the way soon. Truth will prevail

2020-12-12 08:23:31 UTC  

likewise, stay safe 🇺🇸

2020-12-12 09:02:34 UTC  

@Repeat @Ghostdog I don't know you, I don't know your background, but I do know mine. I want you to think about this. If, and I say if there is a war that happens, it will take place not on a foreign land but among and around us and our families. I have seen violent deaths, I have held a firearm on a fellow human being. This is not something that a person is ready for even with excellent training and mental preparation. Even more so in front of the loved ones we wish to keep safe. It becomes even more difficult knowing that they too are potentially targets not because of anything they did but to punish you. I and many others will not go down that road unless there is no other option, not because we fear being injured or killed. But because we fear that the people we care for and love will be injured or killed and we manage to survive. So war should be the absolute last resort of a group of people who have no other choice to protect their lives, and liberty. I am tired of people pushing for war, or the use of the insurrection act. If either happens we have already lost regardless of the result afterwards.