Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 788348809104850955

2020-12-15 10:10:07 UTC  

Trumps policy seems all over the place with Mexico. I cant believe he let armed illegal immigrants in and built a road to let in illegal immigrants. I thought the wall was supposed to keep people out not bring them in to give them American tax dollars

2020-12-15 10:10:10 UTC  

Mandatory masks and social distancing will help ,. I expect middle of Jan for this to be behind us

2020-12-15 10:10:13 UTC  

Where's the last page?

2020-12-15 10:10:46 UTC  

Oops missed one

2020-12-15 10:10:50 UTC

2020-12-15 10:10:54 UTC  

Imagine that. And yet mexico had the sense to wait about the election. Shocked.

2020-12-15 10:11:51 UTC  

It’s already post pandemic. Turn off CNN! Stop the Jedi mind trick! They want to make 39 billion off of a mandatory vaccine.

Btw! Bill Gates and I have the same medical degrees!

2020-12-15 10:12:25 UTC  


2020-12-15 10:12:41 UTC  

Ok well for the rest of us the pandemic will officially be over mid Jan @JennZing

2020-12-15 10:12:46 UTC  


2020-12-15 10:12:59 UTC  

I don't really know this person but from the looks of even the quick reading I'm doing it looks like this guy was looking for an escuse to leave for a while.

2020-12-15 10:13:41 UTC  

Yeah trump has been a disaster for four years @SoonMrWick it’s the Trump party not the GOP

2020-12-15 10:14:05 UTC  

Whatever you say. James knows all.

2020-12-15 10:14:27 UTC  

Knowns alot not all

2020-12-15 10:14:35 UTC  

So humble.

2020-12-15 10:14:41 UTC  

How so? He has a long history of supporting Republican policy and raising money for them and personally contributing. He supported Trump just not unlawful efforts to take the election without evidence and other states telling him what to do. That's reasonable whether they call him a rhino or not

2020-12-15 10:14:44 UTC  

I must be

2020-12-15 10:15:43 UTC  

Well, for starters.

2020-12-15 10:16:21 UTC  

Nothing is as it seems, especially in politics.

2020-12-15 10:16:21 UTC  

@JennZing, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-15 10:16:42 UTC  

Obviously he is stepping down but it's not normal for life long Republicans elected as reps to switch parties

2020-12-15 10:17:20 UTC  

So stunning. So brave. 😂

2020-12-15 10:17:48 UTC  

If you take information at face value you are naive and pretty much responsible for this mess.

2020-12-15 10:19:33 UTC  

What's his response supposed to be? Stick around to fight for things he doesnt support? You arent making sense. 🍿 🤷

2020-12-15 10:19:39 UTC  

Dude was on the way out. He wanted to throw up his papers and quit with pizazz. What's there to discuss?

2020-12-15 10:20:04 UTC  

Way out? He just became a independent

2020-12-15 10:20:56 UTC  

Sorry. It wasn't clear enough. Let me zoom in more 🙄

2020-12-15 10:21:17 UTC  

F@&k this sh$t o’clock

2020-12-15 10:21:37 UTC  

There was a guy that left the Democratic Party to republican. However that wasn’t that much of a transition because he usually voted with republicans on issues

2020-12-15 10:21:43 UTC  

This guy wasn’t like that

2020-12-15 10:22:19 UTC  

That's why I was hoping it was romney. Oh that would be sweet to lose that deadweight.

2020-12-15 10:22:46 UTC  

@SoonMrWick yeah that what I said he slowly saw trump and how the GOP coddled him

2020-12-15 10:23:04 UTC  

He was a lifelong hardcore Republican that left from Trumps antics. What's confusing here? This is not normal status quo. Hes obviously not going to stay on and be a Democrat. You are just moving the goalposts 😂

2020-12-15 10:23:07 UTC  

Romney doesn’t typically vote with democrats on anything

2020-12-15 10:23:30 UTC  

It was just obvious Trump was not someone his religious views would let him support

2020-12-15 10:23:51 UTC  

Moving what goal post. I never set one.

2020-12-15 10:23:59 UTC  


2020-12-15 10:24:27 UTC  

Good lord if Reagan rose from the grave to declare he left the party because of Trump yall still have 💩 excuses

2020-12-15 10:24:51 UTC  

No. That would suck. But he's pretty dead. Did he vote biden?

2020-12-15 10:25:16 UTC  

He would if he saw the state of today's party. Disgraceful

2020-12-15 10:25:23 UTC  
