Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 788632660846575656

2020-12-16 04:58:49 UTC  

I mean I can't say that the election wasn't stolen but I can say damn it seems like it'd be rather difficult to actually pull off.

2020-12-16 04:59:03 UTC  

And I don't really have the information to actually make a informed analysis.

2020-12-16 04:59:10 UTC  

It still seems not so likely.

2020-12-16 04:59:55 UTC  

The point isn’t about if it is possible. The question is did it happens and the blatant undermining of democracy using known speculation that has existed for ever @busillis

2020-12-16 05:00:01 UTC  

Maybe you could do it in the machines if the original ballots were destroyed and you only had scan copies. Malware could theoretically manipulate the scan copies fairly easy.

2020-12-16 05:00:49 UTC  

There's no way to readily and easily check without just having faith. Yeah there doesn't seem to be any evidence.

2020-12-16 05:00:54 UTC  

That I've seen.

2020-12-16 05:01:17 UTC  

Though I've seen a lot of people taking what evidence there is and not drawing the same conclusion that I would draw like with the 68% ballot error rate.

2020-12-16 05:01:26 UTC  

It just means 68% of the ballots were sent for adjudication..

2020-12-16 05:01:37 UTC  

Thus means every election under this present standard would be in question

2020-12-16 05:01:37 UTC  

No evidence to prove election results. Y'all cool with that?

2020-12-16 05:01:41 UTC  

People are totally mis characterizing what it seems to indicate

2020-12-16 05:02:34 UTC  

People have known that these voting machines weren't worth a crap as far as security is concerned for a long time. Why wasn't something done before the election?

2020-12-16 05:02:47 UTC  

And just because the security isn't worth a crap doesn't mean they're hacked.

2020-12-16 05:02:54 UTC  

@vfc alcutta if you take the standard of proving a election true then every modern election would be illegitimate including Trump in 2016

2020-12-16 05:03:14 UTC  

What does this indicate? Our entire political system is corrupt. And no one cares. You're saying do something before election....

2020-12-16 05:03:27 UTC  

I don't know what the penalty for federal election fraud is but I'm sure it's not light if I was an adjudicator I wouldn't be lying on 2000 ballot should be like in prison for 10,000 years or something.

2020-12-16 05:03:50 UTC  

That's just me, I have better things to do than go to prison for 10,000 years

2020-12-16 05:04:01 UTC  

@busillis trump had four years to work out voter machine issues if he really believed it was a issue. All this info was available in 2010

2020-12-16 05:04:19 UTC  

The same will go when the Democrats are saying this next time and nothing will get fixed.

2020-12-16 05:04:38 UTC  

I agree should have done something.

2020-12-16 05:04:39 UTC  

Then why aren't you calling for the upending of this bull $h!t! Instead of saying trump lost. Republican s are bitter. The system helped my guy. Carry on. You should be furious!!!!

2020-12-16 05:05:19 UTC  

@vfc alcutta it’s about throwing a fit when you lose. Didn’t happen in 2016 regarding voting machines on both sides

2020-12-16 05:07:56 UTC  

@vfc alcutta everything being presented by the kraken team was common information in the public sphere back in 2010

2020-12-16 05:07:58 UTC Democracy Suite® EMS Results Tally & Reporting

2020-12-16 05:08:16 UTC  

Hence why it’s questionable when it’s only brought up now @vfc alcutta

2020-12-16 05:09:25 UTC  

Im not mad about losing. Im disgusted that half of our country doesn't care that our political representatives, our supreme court, our media, and law enforcement are bought by our enemies. Some of which are our neighbors. Just watch the birthplace of democracy give way to socialism. Communism. And sensorship.... you say nothing. Im disgusted.

2020-12-16 05:10:09 UTC  
2020-12-16 05:10:19 UTC  

If Joe Biden wins. If we the people actually elect a socialist ... the will of the people.... that is ok. Until then. Consider me part of the resistance

2020-12-16 05:10:26 UTC  

That’s a false dichotomy. That assumes that there was fraud at the level people say there was. Do you understand why it’s a false dichotomy? @vfc alcutta

2020-12-16 05:10:38 UTC  

Biden is no socialist

2020-12-16 05:10:51 UTC  

he's already won last i checked

2020-12-16 05:11:04 UTC  

Cowards. Partisan cowards. Everywhere i look. Disgusted in thr country i used to be so proud of. Sleep well.

2020-12-16 05:11:15 UTC  

They tried recounts, audits, pressuring state legislators, going from court to court even the Supreme Court. And they lost again and again and AGAIN.

For people who don’t like being called losers, they have given us ample opportunity to do so since the election.

2020-12-16 05:11:32 UTC  

The country will have a sleepy next four years. Biden won’t get anything pushed and then retire @vfc alcutta

2020-12-16 05:12:04 UTC  


2020-12-16 05:12:06 UTC  

He wasn't elected by we the people. He was elected by money. Your cool with that. Good on you. Im not

2020-12-16 05:12:27 UTC  

He was @vfc alcutta 8 million more people

2020-12-16 05:12:41 UTC  

These people don't want to upset the status quo. That's the problem with them but whatever that's just me.

2020-12-16 05:12:47 UTC  

what do you think elected Trump. candy?

2020-12-16 05:13:44 UTC  

Biden iis going to be indited for being bought by China. Cnn already dropping some info. Kamala Harris will be president in no time.