Message from @skeeterburke

Discord ID: 791019282044682302

2020-12-22 18:13:43 UTC  

Poor obsessed bussy

2020-12-22 18:13:48 UTC  

Blah blah blah blah blah @Dedkraken

2020-12-22 18:14:21 UTC  

Get some facts...

2020-12-22 18:15:07 UTC  

@Dedkraken prefers to make believe.

2020-12-22 18:21:14 UTC  

None of that is even mentioning intelligence agencies trying to manipulate the US election, never mind that.

2020-12-22 18:23:00 UTC  

: Clarify terms.

We are all bombarded by ad hominem attacks daily. It’s called advertising. In classical logic, the fallacy consists in arguing to the man, not against him (which would be argumentum adversus hominem if it were a thing). In other words, in logic the only appeals that count are aimed at someone’s reason. Aim at his vanity, his bellicosity, his insecurity or any other quality than his reason, and you have strayed from logic.

2020-12-22 18:26:53 UTC  

Remember, everyone, be civil.

2020-12-22 18:27:22 UTC  


2020-12-22 18:28:44 UTC  

I said everyone.

2020-12-22 18:28:57 UTC  


2020-12-22 18:29:48 UTC  

One definition of civility is “claiming and caring for one’s identity, needs and beliefs without degrading someone else’s in the process.”

2020-12-22 18:30:08 UTC  

Sorry but some of these arguments strain credulity.

2020-12-22 18:31:10 UTC  

I'll try to do better sorry. Everyone.

2020-12-22 18:32:46 UTC  

"Civility is something for us to reinvent anew as something muscular and powerful.”

2020-12-22 18:36:23 UTC  

Took them a while to find the first fraud

2020-12-22 18:38:14 UTC  

Wait a second that's not a Biden supporter

2020-12-22 18:42:46 UTC  

That is so strange 🤷 and Biden didnt see the need to pretend that guy had thousands of friends also commiting fraud

2020-12-22 19:10:23 UTC  

The roomba made me overconfident so I made a huge mess in the kitchen and broke the roomba cleaning it up

2020-12-22 19:11:24 UTC  

Speaking of which, I once broke a vacuum cleaner sucking up a penny. It busted off one of the fan blades. Pays to pick those suckers up first

2020-12-22 19:29:19 UTC  

The naacp doesnt mess around they filing lawsuit on Trump and RCP for violating the KKK act.

2020-12-22 19:42:21 UTC  

Some good evidence, standing, harm, and remedies. This sucker has got some teeth

2020-12-22 19:51:24 UTC  

I wonder if the NAACP files if that will open discovery into the election.

2020-12-22 19:51:28 UTC  
2020-12-22 19:52:14 UTC  

Discovery on what?

2020-12-22 19:56:23 UTC  

Well they filed a law suit saying that the reason that they are targeting the big cities is racially motivated. Discovery meaning the rnc can look into the actual election to prove that their reason was not racially motivated but fraudulent votes.

2020-12-22 19:57:06 UTC  

Damn. I know people are unhappy about the stimulus but....

This is a bit much.

2020-12-22 19:59:31 UTC  

Seems like they've already done this. Believe they had one of these outside of Bezos house

2020-12-22 20:03:39 UTC  

I've seen four times. One outside bezos. One in Seattle at a protest (I think, could have been Portland again), one in Portland which they marched thru residential areas chanting out of your house and into the streets then lit on fire, and one in DC during the RNC mock death of trump.

2020-12-22 20:04:16 UTC  

The people unhappy are the same ones that will be crying when the dollar is worthless and 15/hour is really just 1/hour because of how worthless the currency is. You can't just print money to infinity.

2020-12-22 20:04:49 UTC  


2020-12-22 20:05:44 UTC  

There's not a large population of people that would be happy with an officially worthless dollar.

2020-12-22 20:06:06 UTC  

Yeah it was the Portland mayor's house? I know they burned a couch outside of his residence but I don't know if they had the guillotine there or not.

2020-12-22 20:07:35 UTC  

It was this same location. They had a guillotine on wheels. Ill see if they haven't removed video.

2020-12-22 20:10:00 UTC  

The RNC and Trump campaign and dozens upon dozens of suits have done that. They havent found much. I think you are missing the thrust of the lawsuit.

They allege the RNC and Trump gathered and trained poll watchers to be aggressive and violate the laws surrounding that process. They show misinformation being spread about election. They show all the intimidation and coercion Trump used to impact election outcome through certification or electors. They show the large numbers of minority votes they tried to throw out when NOT fraudulent. They put the death threats and violence against folks. They put the money Trump is stealing from this process.

These things are very illegal and they dont hinge on whether fraud occurred or not. If these actions are still illegal even if they prove fraud what's the point of bringing it up in discovery?

2020-12-22 20:10:08 UTC  

up into this point I would say that Trump knows what reality is but he's just going along with this whole election fraud thing because it energizes his base. With reports like these I'm not so sure anymore and maybe that's by design. It's really hard to tell when you're on the outside looking in. But the fact that many of his closest advisors are now distancing themselves from him. Not a good sign.

2020-12-22 20:10:32 UTC  

Gotta love in-fighting