Message from @Gypsy

Discord ID: 792539069606395924

2020-12-26 23:42:43 UTC  

One county is not 20x more "not the same" as ANY other county in the country.

Actually try to answer.

2020-12-26 23:42:58 UTC  

I am so glad there isnt any voteer fraud. I was scared for a moment.

2020-12-26 23:43:15 UTC  

@SoonMrWick again this was already explained.

2020-12-26 23:43:24 UTC  

Not by you for damn sure

2020-12-26 23:43:31 UTC  

Yes by me

2020-12-26 23:43:45 UTC  

Okay. So you don't have an answer. Got it

2020-12-26 23:44:10 UTC  

@SoonMrWick you just doing a piakchu face despite this having been explained to you is willful ignorance

2020-12-26 23:44:24 UTC  

Biden: 578,014 votes
Trump: 3,290 votes

This does not happen. Period.

And none of your flaccid overuse talking points has come even remotely close.

2020-12-26 23:44:56 UTC  

Only if given the fact we have covid and the polarization of how people voted is completely ignored

2020-12-26 23:45:22 UTC  

In what county? What's the demographics that voted for Biden?

2020-12-26 23:45:33 UTC  

Voter fraud is the only topic that @james j can argue, because it’s difficult to prove decidedly without inference.

Topics like administrative law, economics or legal reform require a higher level of competence in order to not sound like parroted CNN talking points. So even if we agreed for the sake of discussion he would not address other topics.

2020-12-26 23:45:49 UTC  

I swear conservatives pretend like covid ain’t happening and people outer that them are actually reacting to it and taking it seriously

2020-12-26 23:46:20 UTC  

covid trump fault - racism trump fault -Go China!

2020-12-26 23:46:22 UTC  

@Gypsy you mean topics that you tried to roll in to scotus as if they weren’t doing their job this time around

2020-12-26 23:46:23 UTC  

Deflecting to covid

2020-12-26 23:46:43 UTC  

I cant wait to be more reliant on China!

2020-12-26 23:46:48 UTC  

@SoonMrWick you mean giving an explanation for something you can’t seem to comprehend

2020-12-26 23:47:06 UTC  

Pot calling the kettle black

2020-12-26 23:47:13 UTC  

No I pretty much nailed it

2020-12-26 23:47:18 UTC  

If you knew what administrative law was you would understand why conservatives are disappointed in SCOTUS.

Well I take that back. You would have to know what a conservative is also 😂

2020-12-26 23:47:28 UTC  

You seem to act like there is no way people took covid seriously @SoonMrWick

2020-12-26 23:47:39 UTC  

Deflection to covid

2020-12-26 23:48:15 UTC  

I am genuinely curious what @james j macroeconomic philosophy is.

2020-12-26 23:48:24 UTC

2020-12-26 23:48:39 UTC  

Redistribution of wealth cuz america is Reeeeeeee

2020-12-26 23:49:22 UTC  

No they are disappointed because they expected a ridiculous remedy for something they started a year ago. You know in pa the GOP already had a election under those rules and did nothing about it. They started a process they never do finished and they want to take away millions of votes for it @Gypsy like I said bring a better case next time and don’t try to weaponize the law just because you lost a election

2020-12-26 23:49:26 UTC  

Reminds me of something. No wonder he camt answer.

2020-12-26 23:49:39 UTC  


2020-12-26 23:50:20 UTC  

@rip.lul what does that have to do with anything

2020-12-26 23:50:45 UTC  

Great legal analysis of administrative law. 😂 we should all be humbled guys about the opportunity to hear legal wisdom from a scholar like @james j

2020-12-26 23:50:51 UTC  

What does what?

2020-12-26 23:50:58 UTC  

We are talking about voters being polarized in how they vote @SoonMrWick can’t grasp this @rip.lul

2020-12-26 23:51:00 UTC

2020-12-26 23:51:36 UTC  

You are talking about that. I'm talking about a statistical impossibility that you keep deflecting away from.

2020-12-26 23:51:39 UTC

2020-12-26 23:51:55 UTC  

@Gypsy conservatives think laches and standing aren’t even real and are political tools. They would be the last people you would go to if you want to understand the law. Especially that Barnes character that basically works for the Trump team

2020-12-26 23:52:07 UTC  

I am just glad this was a clean and fair election.

2020-12-26 23:52:13 UTC  

@SoonMrWick it’s not statistically impossible given the circumstances

2020-12-26 23:52:30 UTC  

Republicans destroyed all the cities when they elected Trump 🤷