Message from @Gypsy

Discord ID: 792548133568512020

2020-12-27 00:20:08 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:20:20 UTC  

I only became a capitalist after watching some random libertarian video. People would complain the content provider was a gateway to capitalism and now I am like β€œthank God”.

2020-12-27 00:20:28 UTC  

Wait, James was booted?

2020-12-27 00:20:50 UTC  

I was just getting started!

2020-12-27 00:21:06 UTC  

I think so. He figuratively gave Maw the middle finger,

2020-12-27 00:21:18 UTC  

He sent that at like the same second.

2020-12-27 00:21:21 UTC  

These people who are thought leaders in these ideologies enjoy all of the benefits from capitalism and socialism in the system.

2020-12-27 00:21:23 UTC  

but yea it was funny

2020-12-27 00:21:23 UTC  

He said the same exact insult after being told to stop.

2020-12-27 00:21:27 UTC  

Your argument was so compelling too πŸ™„

2020-12-27 00:21:51 UTC  

Is ready to pick up the yoke and plow the field?

2020-12-27 00:21:53 UTC  

Can we vote to bring james back? I like seeing the delusion.

2020-12-27 00:22:09 UTC  

Well far be it for him to wait and listen to a moderators response πŸ˜‚

I could see maw typing and I knew he was going to say something

2020-12-27 00:22:12 UTC  

You got to bring James back @Maw

2020-12-27 00:22:15 UTC  

How much farming have you done πŸ˜‚

2020-12-27 00:22:19 UTC  

I guess you don't got to do anything.

2020-12-27 00:22:32 UTC

2020-12-27 00:22:35 UTC  

That was purely metaphorical.

2020-12-27 00:22:44 UTC  

That was hilarious

2020-12-27 00:22:46 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:23:19 UTC  

It really was. I mean it was also very James like imo

2020-12-27 00:23:24 UTC  

That's typically how it goes πŸ˜‚

..... Someones typing

..... Someone sent what was typed.

2020-12-27 00:23:30 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:23:32 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:23:49 UTC  

true lol

2020-12-27 00:23:51 UTC  

I am just glad he cleared up this whole election fraud thing before he left.

2020-12-27 00:24:00 UTC  

(taking of my tinfoil hat)

2020-12-27 00:24:01 UTC  

Oh you are a metaphor for a farmer 🀷

2020-12-27 00:24:36 UTC  

It was pointed at you @Dedkraken

2020-12-27 00:24:38 UTC  
2020-12-27 00:25:04 UTC  

@rip.lul pro tip @Dedkraken loves all things Giuliani.

2020-12-27 00:25:25 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:25:25 UTC  

not sure it warranted blocking @james j

2020-12-27 00:25:28 UTC  

It was worse that he refused to engage any other topics. He knew he was out of his depth πŸ˜‚

2020-12-27 00:25:36 UTC  

You are making less sense than usual

2020-12-27 00:25:50 UTC  

I do what I can...

2020-12-27 00:25:51 UTC  

Did you see the whole thing?from when James started yesterday or the day before?

2020-12-27 00:25:54 UTC  

He was kicked, it was the second time he's been kicked. He's not banned. That was the last kick he's going to have.

2020-12-27 00:26:03 UTC  

Was "blow up" the best use of words .... <:Hahaa:673879282422120448>

2020-12-27 00:26:04 UTC  

I think it was a mistake. You hit send and he hit send. I agree kindd of other than him being an impotent antifa member

2020-12-27 00:26:15 UTC  

He knows better anyway.