Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 793570451540279306

2020-12-29 20:00:27 UTC  

I also haven't seen "libt**d", generally I'd tell people to stop.

2020-12-29 20:00:41 UTC  

Ive not seen that one time

2020-12-29 20:00:53 UTC  

not once have I seen you remove or call someone down for that

2020-12-29 20:00:56 UTC  

Just stop posting stuff with the F-word in it, I've literally said you can censor the f-word.

2020-12-29 20:01:01 UTC  

i've been called a lib tard and more.

2020-12-29 20:01:42 UTC  

You defended ProudBoys. I post horrific shit they do and say and you remove it. Please explain how that is not bias on your part?

2020-12-29 20:02:06 UTC  

I can't pay attention 24 #@*$ing hours a day, if you have people call you this, @ me. Like, I can't just moderate this entire discord 24/7, I need to make money to survive.

2020-12-29 20:02:17 UTC

2020-12-29 20:02:21 UTC  

So unless people start pointing this out when it happens, I can't do much.

2020-12-29 20:03:22 UTC  

to be honest when it's pointed out nothing is done by all accounts. anyways lunch for me.

2020-12-29 20:03:42 UTC  

It’s not about camps, it’s about discussing different beliefs as and debating.

2020-12-29 20:03:43 UTC  

You've never pointed out something like this. lol

2020-12-29 20:04:19 UTC  

Im far less worried about you sanctioning the curse words in here than when you remove responses to your defense of a group because it hurts your ability to stand by your previous defense of said group.

You either monitor or you engage in the debate. You cant do both.

You can't say shit like ProudBoys are getting a bad rap and "that is just one video @JD~Jordan and then when I provide you more you remove

2020-12-29 20:04:20 UTC  

i feel it fall for on deaf ears. some have approached me.

2020-12-29 20:04:23 UTC  

that is fucked up and you know it

2020-12-29 20:04:54 UTC  

time for a break. see you all later

2020-12-29 20:05:05 UTC Of course, that's why I said "i don't want to delete your message, but can you edit out the word, and did it for you.

2020-12-29 20:05:08 UTC  

later, have a good lunch

2020-12-29 20:05:31 UTC  

So you could know what word it was, without the word being written in full.

2020-12-29 20:05:33 UTC  

thank you.

2020-12-29 20:05:39 UTC  

It was a quote... followed by a link that was in direct response to your defense of the group

2020-12-29 20:05:45 UTC  

you removed both

2020-12-29 20:05:51 UTC  


2020-12-29 20:05:54 UTC  

that is a link

2020-12-29 20:06:00 UTC  

I didnt write that word

2020-12-29 20:06:26 UTC  

No, but it's still not SFW, they have it in their link.

2020-12-29 20:06:32 UTC  

can u guys take this to the private chat

2020-12-29 20:06:38 UTC  

But because you were defending that very group earlier its very disingenuous to remove the link on the pretext of an objectionable word

2020-12-29 20:06:41 UTC  

I can't allow that PARTICULAR link to be posted.

2020-12-29 20:06:42 UTC  

lol what a fucking joke

2020-12-29 20:06:44 UTC  


2020-12-29 20:07:31 UTC  

For real, if you'd like, you can converse with me in private about this, but this really isn't the place for discussion about me personally. This is a channel for everyone to engage in.

2020-12-29 20:07:33 UTC  

nah. Im done. Can be a legit discussion when someone is freely censoring the opposition to their own position

2020-12-29 20:07:43 UTC  

Nah. Its clear where you are on this

2020-12-29 20:09:16 UTC  

Can you make a channel in this group 18+?

2020-12-29 20:09:23 UTC  

The gay dude in the group post a link with the F*gg*t slur in the title in response to your own position on that group and you remove the link. Can't get more clear.

2020-12-29 20:09:24 UTC  

that will fix evertything

2020-12-29 20:09:29 UTC  

I'll bring it up with Faith.

2020-12-29 20:09:33 UTC  

I think you might be missing the point. What do you expect to accomplish? Neither side gains anything by trying to assert that the extremist fringe parts of the opposition is worse than their own extremist fringe groups. The larger discussion should be that we should try to rise above the extremism.

2020-12-29 20:09:34 UTC  

It has nothing to do with the 18+

2020-12-29 20:09:52 UTC  

Glad to know you can read my mind.