Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 775444376045617222

2020-11-09 19:29:16 UTC  

And know how to wear it properly.

2020-11-09 19:29:42 UTC  

The mask idea is primarily to prevent spread, not protect the user (which it doesn't really do in most cases)

2020-11-09 19:29:43 UTC  

that won't be stopped _perfectly_

2020-11-09 19:30:09 UTC  

they would certainly be _reduced_

2020-11-09 19:30:17 UTC

2020-11-09 19:30:21 UTC  

your pants won't stop pee

2020-11-09 19:30:27 UTC  

but I still want you to wear them

2020-11-09 19:30:30 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:31:31 UTC  

Pretty sure that we know that viral load is important to disease severity.

2020-11-09 19:31:33 UTC  

until you show me a study that proves with _finality_ that masks are not effective _at all_ or are worse than wearing nothing, imma default to assuming that it is logical to wear them

2020-11-09 19:31:52 UTC  

But I am not sure how much we know about the vectors of typical infection rates.

2020-11-09 19:32:18 UTC  

If it's primarily small aerosolized particles (likely), or large ones that slowly float down to the ground (unlikely).

2020-11-09 19:34:54 UTC  

I'm not personally against masks, but I have a feeling I understand where Doc is coming from.

2020-11-09 19:35:09 UTC  

Forgive me if I'm interpreting it wrong, Doc.

2020-11-09 19:35:58 UTC  

But if we say 99% of infections are caused by aerosolized particles, masks aren't really going to help in the slightest.

2020-11-09 19:38:10 UTC  

I could be wrong, but aerosolized particles are practically free-moving between surgical masks and the like. I'm not sure how effectively they filter them.

2020-11-09 19:38:12 UTC  

I don't think that's true

2020-11-09 19:38:33 UTC  

water isn't affected by pants

2020-11-09 19:38:39 UTC  

but it is

2020-11-09 19:38:52 UTC  

airflow affects air around it

2020-11-09 19:39:06 UTC  

But you're not breathing through your pants.

2020-11-09 19:39:09 UTC  

I would be extremely skeptical that a mask does not affect any sized particles

2020-11-09 19:39:15 UTC  

no matter how small

2020-11-09 19:39:20 UTC  

It'll affect larger particles for sure.

2020-11-09 19:39:46 UTC  

just google the studies about n95 masks and aerosolized particles

2020-11-09 19:39:55 UTC  

they talk about differences of .6% and a few percent

2020-11-09 19:40:04 UTC  

i.e it is bad when it is letting in 5% of particles

2020-11-09 19:40:06 UTC  

verses 100%

2020-11-09 19:40:34 UTC  

5% of particles could be the primarily-sized particles that lead to the most cases of infections.

2020-11-09 19:40:38 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:40:47 UTC  

they are not even talking about infections

2020-11-09 19:40:51 UTC  

just aerosolized particles

2020-11-09 19:43:04 UTC I've seen this study which is likely saying the same thing you're saying.

2020-11-09 19:43:19 UTC  

But as it says in the study, the size of the particles is not known.

2020-11-09 19:43:54 UTC  

"Data on the particle size distribution for particulates measured by the PortaCountsare not available, however, ~90% of the particles detected were produced by the TSI Particle Generator as described above"

2020-11-09 19:47:57 UTC  

So we don't really know what size was filtered out, or if those of a certain size were filtered at a success rate of as you suggested, high efficacy.

2020-11-09 19:48:33 UTC  

@realz Large studies show that around 90% of spread outside families can be traced back to nightclubs, bars, restaurants and hotels.

2020-11-09 19:48:59 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:49:11 UTC  

So aerosolized.

2020-11-09 19:49:17 UTC  

from toilets, yes.