Message from @osok

Discord ID: 778111075677372437

2020-11-17 04:07:58 UTC  


2020-11-17 04:08:08 UTC  

Conservatives hold these truths to be self-evident: "We believe that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights; that among these rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted." And more specifically that all are created equally morally obligated before the law.

2020-11-17 04:08:19 UTC  

1) Leftists do not believe in the individual, but insist on collective merit and demerit, collective enfranchisement and disenfranchisement, and collective reward and punishment on the basis of group identity; on the basis of inherited and immutable characteristics such as the color of one's skin, the genitals with which one is born, the ethnic heritage of the individual, the religious heritage of the individual, etc.

2020-11-17 04:08:27 UTC  

2) Leftists use the "created equal" part to insist on material equality because they do not believe in moral and spiritual equality: that we are equally obligated before the law. Instead they insist we are equally competent and talented; that all persons are of equal worth to society and should be equally compensated for their existence rather than for their efforts.

2020-11-17 04:08:35 UTC  

3) Leftists do not accept a differentiated reality. For them there is only the homogeneity of undifferentiated mundanity: nothing can be sacred, mundane, or profane as differentiated to something else. Leftists cannot therefore accept a sacred endowment which is revealed to become knowledge; which is intrinsic to their humanistic and antitheistic religions/beliefs.

2020-11-17 04:08:43 UTC  

4) Leftists do not accept that rights are Inalienable, but hold them to be alienable at the will of and for the agenda of government. Therefore governments cannot be instituted to secure these rights, but rather are instituted to issue and reclaim allowed privileges at the whim of the Leftist's convenience, and more specifically as needed for them to express their authority.

2020-11-17 04:08:51 UTC  

For the Leftist, the collectivist, persons are assets of the state, of the society, like little worker ants. The government exists to effect: "From each according to his ability to each according to their need". To do this an authority, like a central committee, must determine for each person what their ability is, how to maximize it as a state asset, and how to distribute from its production to the "need". Need is determined by triage, determining who to enfranchise, who to disenfranchise, and who to kill or let die. This is anathema to our national principle, to the American principle, of the sacred inalienable rights secured for the individual.

2020-11-17 04:08:58 UTC  

For US, the conservative American, the government has four functions: 1) To restrain government from the suppression of our inalienable rights in as much as that is humanly possible, 2) To restrain factions, organizations, and individuals from infringing upon the inalienable rights of others, 3) To punish those responsible for violations of the inalienable rights of citizens and lawful residents, whether the offender is a person or a nation, and 4) To assist lawful immigrants and minors to an understanding of what it means to be a citizen with Inalienable Rights and the Inalienable Obligations that come with them.

2020-11-17 04:09:49 UTC  

@osok What sucked for me was changing school 11 times, and moving 27 by the time I was 18.

2020-11-17 04:10:01 UTC  

x i dont remember the left so left ...guess i wasnt looking til it was push in my facw

2020-11-17 04:10:39 UTC  

The Left didn't used to be so Left.

2020-11-17 04:10:40 UTC  

inalienable rights powerful

2020-11-17 04:10:59 UTC  

yea Dyslexia but just with letters. numbers i seemed to be able to work with much better after i could get them straightened out super ez. So took me loger in school for that...

2020-11-17 04:11:12 UTC  


2020-11-17 04:12:28 UTC  

i remember when the light came on ...that a doc written long ago has so much insight unbeliveable

2020-11-17 04:12:59 UTC  

That school changing was one of the reasons I never studied American literature. I always landed in school just as they were starting to study English lit.

2020-11-17 04:13:53 UTC  

lov math but dose me no good if i flip part of equ and dont see it then its a deadend

2020-11-17 04:14:18 UTC  

yea think i read way too much nietzsche to give much State value any credit.

2020-11-17 04:14:39 UTC  

niet..very phil

2020-11-17 04:15:17 UTC  

So, "The Left" is defined as the people who believe those things. It's not incidental, correct?

2020-11-17 04:15:37 UTC  

its suck but you learn work arounds

2020-11-17 04:16:15 UTC  

so many shades of left to right right

2020-11-17 04:16:16 UTC  

@osok I know what you mean. In Jewish logic there is a pattern that means: Although it is impossible what if? So when they were writing the Talmud 1700 years ago one of the questions asked was: Although it is impossible, what if a child were conceived in the belly of a cow and born from the belly of a Jewess? Would they be Jewish. Because they debated that almost 2000 years ago, when invitro fertilization became science, they had an answer as to the status in their religion of persons conceived that way.

2020-11-17 04:17:06 UTC  

For the Left, I am using the Marxist (Communist, Fascist, and Post Modernist).

2020-11-17 04:17:15 UTC  

science...or creation

2020-11-17 04:17:34 UTC  

far left

2020-11-17 04:17:36 UTC  

In my tradition it is both.

2020-11-17 04:18:00 UTC  

I use Left for "far Left" and Liberal for near left.

2020-11-17 04:18:20 UTC  

ok that works

2020-11-17 04:19:21 UTC  

In the ancient days, there were two creations: 1) Menog, and 2) Getig. The first is the spiritual creation described in Gen. 1:1 through Gen. 2:4. The second is the physical creation for which no time frame is given that is the remainder of Gen. 2.

2020-11-17 04:20:00 UTC  

The problem for Liberals is that they do not know where to draw the line between themselves and the Far Left.

2020-11-17 04:20:56 UTC  

So was that the same time Hinduism was Born 1700 yrs ago?

2020-11-17 04:21:42 UTC  

Argument over the same question?

2020-11-17 04:22:00 UTC  

look there been very few times in my life that worry me....last election this election and when phx pd tried to take my freedom from me. i feel like were sail off a cliff in slow mo

2020-11-17 04:22:32 UTC  

No, Hinduism doesn't really exist, per se. It is a collection of a vast array of local traditional practices on the South side of the Sind (Hind) river. And it began sometime about 8,000 years ago.

2020-11-17 04:23:48 UTC  

The Babylonian Talmud was an effort to understand the Jewish religion in exile following the Third Judeo-Roman war.

2020-11-17 04:24:11 UTC  

hind dose ...its parts of muslim that worry me no change in text from when it started

2020-11-17 04:25:02 UTC  

per se is the my way 😕

2020-11-17 04:25:02 UTC  

So not the same argument Nature Vrs Nurture. thats the one that gets me because neither can be proven 100%

2020-11-17 04:25:12 UTC  

Not sure what the last sentence means osok. And I keep wanting to type your name oosik, so if I do by accident sorry.

2020-11-17 04:25:59 UTC  

You are correct. Neither can ever be studied. One cannot remove the DNA from persons to determine what they would be like without the DNA affecting them.