Message from @jfindley

Discord ID: 784640466875449394

2020-12-05 04:31:07 UTC  

The day you wake up and decide puberty blockers are a good idea for 9 year old kids is when you're a complete joke :/

2020-12-05 04:32:07 UTC  

@jfindley It's even more trivial to censor 7 million people.

2020-12-05 04:32:19 UTC  

Just change copper wire to fiber optics and is the same ole.

2020-12-05 04:32:42 UTC  

That's not (only) what alphabet does, though...

2020-12-05 04:32:47 UTC  

I'd say that's the day you go to the looney bin but I am inclusive as hell.

2020-12-05 04:33:00 UTC  


2020-12-05 04:33:12 UTC  

I guess I am too lol

2020-12-05 04:33:35 UTC  

Agreed. But you can find a parallel for search engine, facebook, etc.

2020-12-05 04:33:58 UTC  

I'm tolerant but not so tolerant that I'd agree to give a kid puberty blockers.

2020-12-05 04:35:02 UTC  

I think if you split those corporations up, you're just going to make it harder to control them. I also maintain that the government should not be trying to control them, but, rather, We The People should let them starve to death as we move on to better things that the government also doesn't control.

2020-12-05 04:35:14 UTC  

We are missing a kids bill of rights. Our founding fathers biggest blunder was to think future parents would love their children as much as their contemporaries did.

2020-12-05 04:36:11 UTC  

Exactly why they should be split, they can't control us and the government can't control them. I don't need to control everything. Just give me a way to report a crime if I see one.

2020-12-05 04:36:50 UTC  

You are telling me that it'd be hard to control 5 little googles but we can coordinate a jazillion contrarian americans into quitting their beloved social media? Good luck my friend.

2020-12-05 04:37:06 UTC  

@WaffleWaffle Yes I fully agree on rights to protect our children and certain rights they have.

2020-12-05 04:38:20 UTC  

What we could do though is tell friends, and donate to other sites such as Parler so they can build up their platform. Word of mouth does wonders my friend.

2020-12-05 04:38:47 UTC  

What about sending email ballots via Amazon instead of the silly US Mail?

2020-12-05 04:39:00 UTC  

A lot of people have already moved to Parler actually.

2020-12-05 04:39:55 UTC  

Now, if you want to talk about breaking up an organization... Amazon has a massive stake in a huge percentage of all the corporations in the US, and a lot of those abroad, as well...

2020-12-05 04:40:19 UTC  

Yeah I will be 70 before word of mouth and donations build the next Twitter. They will just come with some marketing campaign tho scare people away from Parler.

2020-12-05 04:40:41 UTC  

The funny thing is that Politifact had to apologize to Candace Owens for labeling her. She lawyered up. She said "Biden is not my president." So they had to admit they were wrong. They won.

2020-12-05 04:41:05 UTC  

Wednesday, the 25th, they took out about 1/4 of web traffic in the US because of a bug in their thread management in a secondary service they use for analysis, called Kinesis.

2020-12-05 04:41:05 UTC  

@jfindley, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-05 04:41:11 UTC  

But amazon sells all kinds of books without any censorship that I know of.

2020-12-05 04:41:50 UTC  
2020-12-05 04:42:01 UTC  

That might not be true @WaffleWaffle , we don't know that much about Parler but we do know their main objective is to allow freedom of speech and let the majority of people on Parler decide i.e, We The People.

2020-12-05 04:42:01 UTC  

That's not entirely accurate. I can tell you that left-wing echo chamber (LFEC) does a very effective job of highlighting all of Trump's shortcomings and rarely acknowledges his accomplishments. The RWEC does just the opposite - highlighting his accomplishments (or helping to show questionable things in the best possible light) and ignores his shortcomings. So, as inexplicable the vitriol on the left towards Trump is to those on the right, the left is just as baffled as to why conservatives are so enthusiastic. The truth is always somewhere in the middle, which is why I refuse to get sucked back into either echo chamber.

2020-12-05 04:42:06 UTC  

Thanks . AWS is amazing.

2020-12-05 04:42:35 UTC  

What do you know about AWS? 🙂

2020-12-05 04:42:36 UTC  

However they are not as dominant as Google or FB

2020-12-05 04:42:58 UTC  

I am working on getting AWS certification.

2020-12-05 04:43:37 UTC  

Which cert?

2020-12-05 04:43:46 UTC  

If you go to their site and make an account the first thing they talk about is freedom of speech. So I'd argue that they might actually be more on the conservative side of the aisle.

2020-12-05 04:44:08 UTC  

Amazon web services

2020-12-05 04:44:15 UTC  

Or that's what they say it is. Just like Google's motto is "Never be evil". 😏

2020-12-05 04:44:21 UTC  

The cloud computing service platform

2020-12-05 04:44:38 UTC  

People have been using that crap for 15 years

2020-12-05 04:44:57 UTC  

Even if it is temporary what will Twitter do with no users, and certainly by the time Parler becomes as good as Twitter or Facebook there will be more platforms.

2020-12-05 04:45:06 UTC  

high speed I loved it when I used it used it extensively

2020-12-05 04:45:21 UTC  

Which AWS cert are you looking at?

2020-12-05 04:46:17 UTC  

Cloud practitioner to start with.