Message from @English Remi

Discord ID: 787560398429224990

2020-12-13 05:39:14 UTC  

Here's Giuliani's claims. I don't understand what he's saying with respect to the numbers posted on PA election website.

2020-12-13 05:39:25 UTC  

Do we know why duplicate applications were being sent out? Do we know how many duplicates were returned and rejected because that address had already received its quota? Without proper signature verification that is not possible.

2020-12-13 05:43:02 UTC  

@English Remi so I guess you could request a mail-in ballot when you voted in the primary and not know it but seemed that the system was set up to catch that ... "ne out of every five requests for mail ballots is being rejected in Pennsylvania"

2020-12-13 05:48:52 UTC  

That would require a court in the system that permitted this "flexibility" allowing the matter to go to trial. When a judge said she would hear it the state supreme court blocked that. None of this manoeuvring to NOT HEAR cases goes to quell the belief that there were shenanigans.

2020-12-13 05:48:52 UTC  

@English Remi, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-13 05:53:29 UTC  

I'm lost as to what you mean? Guiliani said this in public to trick people. Even though he made some crazy claims in court he didnt make this claim it never hinged on anything. The total number of requested ballots explained the results.

2020-12-13 05:54:02 UTC  

Long live the PLA.

2020-12-13 05:54:44 UTC  

courts are setup a certain way to prevent abuse, things like you have to have standing, you have to file in the court that has jurisdiction, etc. are all there for a reason ... multiple duplicate cases were filed, some 50 in total .... the court filings are all available to the public along with the rulings and folks can go and read them ... problem is that there are rumors flying about and folks are believing these rumors rather than going to look the court cases up for themselves

2020-12-13 05:56:30 UTC  

Thank you. That is helpful.... but without effective signature verification how do we know that those that were accepted were legit?

2020-12-13 05:57:00 UTC  

We don't...

2020-12-13 05:57:24 UTC  

There's actually no way to tell what went on sanctity of the vote...

2020-12-13 05:57:49 UTC  

Never mind that....

2020-12-13 05:58:26 UTC  

You have to prove who you are to get a ballot and then your identity gets checked again when you turn it in. Signature verification was never a top notch method to identify folks but rather used as a way to remove legal votes.

2020-12-13 05:58:33 UTC  

Perhaps someone can explain why they would trust the media that lied about Hunter Biden... Before the election but now...

2020-12-13 05:59:02 UTC  

Signature verification isn't s***... Pardon my English.

2020-12-13 05:59:20 UTC  

You can believe whatever you like...

2020-12-13 06:00:20 UTC  

how do we know they aren't ... PA and other states have their rules regarding ensuring the ballots cast are legit and the federal system allows a great latitude in those rules, so if the PA election officials followed those rules and the state certifies those ballots then they are legit in the eyes of the state and the federal government

2020-12-13 06:02:13 UTC  

Will part of a power structure allow it frame work to be attacked? This would undermine the power of the persons in the power structure.

2020-12-13 06:03:51 UTC  

So the headline would be: "State that relaxes certification rules, certifies ensuing vote. therefore vote is legal." - when I say "legit" I do not mean in a circular legalistic way, but in a way which people can trust.

2020-12-13 06:04:42 UTC  

Yes goodness is this can go one of two ways but both ways civil war.

2020-12-13 06:05:00 UTC  

signatures are required to affirm you are who you say you are and a legal voter ... you have to sign to vote in person or by mail ... that signature can be used to prosecute you if you did something illegal like lied about your status

2020-12-13 06:05:07 UTC  

Anyone who thinks differently could be naive.

2020-12-13 06:06:00 UTC  

That's me because I have Indian company and I have to sign a piece of paper about 10 times before they accept my name, verification.

2020-12-13 06:06:32 UTC  

Copy the email will be provided upon request...

2020-12-13 06:06:36 UTC  


2020-12-13 06:06:46 UTC  

Not free worldly

2020-12-13 06:07:00 UTC  

folks trusted it right up until the Nov 2020 elections where in the run up to the election Trump claimed that if he lost it would be because of voter fraud ... note by these same rules Trump was selected in PA to be the Republican nominee in the primary

2020-12-13 06:07:12 UTC  

And if that verification is removed there is no longer a way to show that you are. Why would they remove that condition in the name of "voter rights".

2020-12-13 06:07:58 UTC  

Which folks trusted the elimination of effective signature verification?

2020-12-13 06:08:09 UTC  

they keep the signatures ... just separated from the ballot so that the ballot (i.e., who you voted for) remains a secret

2020-12-13 06:08:53 UTC  

Perhaps people in America don't understand happens the tools of empire creation come back home.

2020-12-13 06:08:59 UTC  

And signature comparison was no longer going to be a reason to reject, was it not? What are we discussing?

2020-12-13 06:09:13 UTC  

Consider this. John Smith presents his birth certificate, social security card, utility bills proving address to get a photo ID. He then uses photo ID and verifies his signature matches to obtain a ballot and mails it in where they check his identity and address matches where the ballot was sent and he lives. But somehow if another signature verification is required to make sure his identity is correct?

2020-12-13 06:09:46 UTC  

no longer a sole reason to reject as per the article you linked

2020-12-13 06:11:03 UTC  

Picture this... A mail in ballot can be requested with only a driver's license number in a name and a county... So anybody know those three things can have a ballot sent anywhere...

2020-12-13 06:11:19 UTC  

That verified the state of Georgia

2020-12-13 06:11:20 UTC  

I mean you cant just like walk into a BMV and say heres this dead guys ID I would like to change his address to mine and update his voter registration please

2020-12-13 06:11:50 UTC  

... the signature on the ballot application has to be the same as on the driver licence - if it is not the application should be rejected. If that verification is removed then the whole thing is fishy. This is the problem - the people need to have confidence in the system, whereas this system seems to have been set up to allow shenanigans without challenge.

2020-12-13 06:11:54 UTC  

@English Remi not sure what we're discussing ... I'm telling what happened best I can decipher ... you seem not to want to trust it, fine that's your call but it's the call of the court to determine whether it was legal or not and so far they've determined it was