Message from @EllBrown

Discord ID: 789361787887026176

2020-12-18 05:15:12 UTC  

Do you know anything about smallpox or ebola?

2020-12-18 05:15:26 UTC  

Sure it does that was an absolutely πŸ’― assumption of a statement and yes I have

2020-12-18 05:16:07 UTC  

Yes I have, you want to have a battle of the wits

2020-12-18 05:16:09 UTC  

I assumed because it is December of 2020 and I've been attacked numerously for not having the proper credentials yet having unanswered arguments.

2020-12-18 05:16:42 UTC  

Not really a battle of wits. I just want to see if I am wrong. My battle is curiousity.

2020-12-18 05:16:51 UTC  

I mean thats if you have a loaded weapon

2020-12-18 05:17:15 UTC  

πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜‹

2020-12-18 05:17:33 UTC  

🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

2020-12-18 05:17:45 UTC  

I was harassed and even had false accusations of espionage levied against me. So, well, it took a while for me to get used to speaking my mind again. XD

2020-12-18 05:18:00 UTC  

But you show better signs than from others earlier in the year

2020-12-18 05:18:02 UTC  

Thanks πŸ™‚

2020-12-18 05:18:19 UTC  

I sum up my argument as this:
COVID = "common cold" + "panic attack"

2020-12-18 05:19:33 UTC  

The common cold includes coronaviruses alongside rhinoviruses and some influenza viruses. Even though we usually get better from the cold, it does kill 60k people a year. Flu 120k. ... So it is severe and serious to those that died from it.

2020-12-18 05:19:42 UTC  

And you can tell that to the people that have lost a loved one, a mother, father,brother, sister, frien etc

2020-12-18 05:19:54 UTC  

And then the anxiety/panic that is induced by the media since January, weakens the immune system.

2020-12-18 05:20:09 UTC  

Why do I have to tell them? Their loved ones are already dead.

2020-12-18 05:20:28 UTC  

Tell people who lost loved ones to the common cold or flu that it isn't serious.

2020-12-18 05:20:38 UTC  

Listen this is not the common cold or the flu

2020-12-18 05:20:45 UTC  

Listen. How is it not.

2020-12-18 05:21:43 UTC  

But hey, I cannot find the answer either to how it is not the common cold.

2020-12-18 05:21:55 UTC  

Because it has a different string that hangs on to your Tcells and can lay dormant even after you get antibodies

2020-12-18 05:21:57 UTC  

Which is why I still ask it.

2020-12-18 05:22:11 UTC  

How do we know the common cold does not also do that?

2020-12-18 05:22:52 UTC  

We never researched the common cold to the extent we have smallpox, ebola, or COVID.

It is the common cold, only 60k people die from it each year.

2020-12-18 05:22:58 UTC  

Because it doesn't it comes from a different string

2020-12-18 05:22:58 UTC  

@EllBrown, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-18 05:23:07 UTC  

It's a coronavirus.

2020-12-18 05:23:52 UTC  

"Although many types of viruses can cause a common cold, rhinoviruses are the most common culprit."

2020-12-18 05:24:43 UTC  

"The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The most commonly implicated virus is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes.[30] Other commonly implicated viruses include human coronaviruses (β‰ˆ 15%),[31][32] influenza viruses (10–15%),[33] adenoviruses (5%),[33] human respiratory syncytial virus (orthopneumovirus), enteroviruses other than rhinoviruses, human parainfluenza viruses, and human metapneumovirus.[34] Frequently more than one virus is present.[35] In total, more than 200 viral types are associated with colds."

2020-12-18 05:25:58 UTC  

The different virus types likely explains why COVID-19, SARS, and MERS do not normally present like the flu or common cold does.

It is a stereotyped term coming from over millennia of medical knowledge.

Just like we need to go through the election fraud, we need to go through other knowledge and prune things.

2020-12-18 05:26:19 UTC  

How many people died of consumption?

2020-12-18 05:26:41 UTC  

Why would common cold provide any immunity to COVID-19, if COVID-19 were not in the family of common cold?

2020-12-18 05:27:08 UTC  

I mean, there is the general immune response. But antibodies are a specialized, whatever it is called.

2020-12-18 05:27:53 UTC  

@eclair088 covid is a brand new coronavirus. Our bodies don’t have antibodies to it and causes great harm to some. People who don’t even believe in the virus have gotten it and died. They had no anxiety about covid

2020-12-18 05:28:00 UTC  

For what country? And where did you get those numbers?

2020-12-18 05:28:01 UTC  

One of the problems is the assumption that this is only one virus, something I am not yet convinced is true.

2020-12-18 05:28:18 UTC  

I did look up how people die from Common Cold. ... Tends to be a gateway virus to death, like COVID, where it weakens the immune system and then pneumonia sets in.,developing%20a%20serious%20respiratory%20infection.

2020-12-18 05:28:29 UTC  

Any hoot I have to go to bed and have sex with my husband this chat has made me really horny πŸ€ͺ😜🀣🀣🀣🀣

2020-12-18 05:28:43 UTC  

We have had more deaths this year so far than years prior @eclair088 , 300k more

2020-12-18 05:28:57 UTC  

I looked it up back in March or May. So I dunno, I think that is America?