Message from @WaglingtonBH

Discord ID: 795491886609072201

2021-01-04 03:12:09 UTC  

ok anyways to answer the question i was asked capitalism hurts people in poverty because for example lets look at gas prices gas prices have gone up over the past few years (not really few but you get the point) and in some places the gas prices have gone up even high due to capitalism trying to get as much money as possible, if someone who is low income drives a car and needs gas goes to one of these gas stations and cant afford gas then cant get to their job and because they cant get to their job they will lose money from their paycheck which they most likely needed to pay bills and other necessities ,i hope that made sense

2021-01-04 03:12:42 UTC  

Id like to point out a few things there

2021-01-04 03:12:55 UTC  

1. Subsidization is a thing so I dont think that is a common occurence

2021-01-04 03:13:17 UTC  

2. Most companys who have workers that drive long distances or long commutes offer to pay for there gas out of there wages

2021-01-04 03:13:42 UTC  

3. Even for someone with low income (This isnt much to do with gas obviously) But they still have the opportunity to become more wealthy

2021-01-04 03:13:57 UTC  

Gas is always going to be cheaper somewhere

2021-01-04 03:14:26 UTC  

No gas station can charge purely high prices without another gas station having lower prices and ect

2021-01-04 03:14:46 UTC  

Subsidization offers have also increased in the Gas industry

2021-01-04 03:16:23 UTC  

The idea that a person can not afford to buy gas and that there is not some form of competition is not practical

2021-01-04 03:16:38 UTC  

I have family that have jobs and they have to drive far their job offers gas cards and sometimes even a car to drive to and from work

2021-01-04 03:16:38 UTC  

The idea that someone can not rise in america in any economic fashion isnt practical

2021-01-04 03:16:56 UTC  

Workers in the trucking industry commonly are given gas cards

2021-01-04 03:17:09 UTC  

Much more common actually)

2021-01-04 03:17:22 UTC  

Not to mention people who are low in income dont travel large commutes

2021-01-04 03:17:30 UTC  

They usually work in minimum wage jobs in there towns

2021-01-04 03:17:35 UTC  

I.E. Restraunts

2021-01-04 03:18:00 UTC  

So gas isnt a large issue in the average minimum wage worker unless there travelling long distance (which is plain stupid and non-practical)

2021-01-04 03:20:16 UTC  

plus gas has been really low in texas these past years

2021-01-04 03:20:27 UTC  

It used to be 2$+

2021-01-04 03:20:38 UTC  

its been 1$+

2021-01-04 03:20:45 UTC  

Any minimum wage worker can afford gas for there commute

2021-01-04 03:20:47 UTC  

god i love texas

2021-01-04 03:21:08 UTC  

i understand what you are saying and i probably could have chosen a better hypothetical but to rise in america the most common thing you have to do is exploit the working class which is what a lot of the people who are extremely wealthy do of course you can rise in america but you have to start off in a good situation where you are living comfortably and people in poverty of course arent so the chances of them being able to be wealthy is extremly low

2021-01-04 03:21:11 UTC  

Lots of competition in texas lower prices, capitalism šŸ™‚

2021-01-04 03:21:33 UTC  

Can you explain how someone like myself who was in the lower class

2021-01-04 03:21:41 UTC  

is now moderately wealthy without exploiting anyone?

2021-01-04 03:21:52 UTC  

Aswell as a few of my friends

2021-01-04 03:21:59 UTC  

Or my parents

2021-01-04 03:22:05 UTC  

Who are both also wealthy now

2021-01-04 03:22:23 UTC  

Without owning a business

2021-01-04 03:22:28 UTC  

Without having any previous wealth

2021-01-04 03:22:48 UTC  

And how are workers being exploited?

2021-01-04 03:22:52 UTC  

like i said before its not impossible its just not that everyone is able to to do it you for example could but that doesnt mean everyone can

2021-01-04 03:22:54 UTC  

By getting a wage?

2021-01-04 03:23:00 UTC  

Who cant?

2021-01-04 03:24:27 UTC  

hey guys

2021-01-04 03:24:30 UTC  

There was a teacher who was living paycheck by paycheck

2021-01-04 03:24:38 UTC  

iā€™m stripping the color from my hair then dying it brown

2021-01-04 03:24:41 UTC  

And by his 30s he had enough money to retire by making smart money decisions and investing

2021-01-04 03:24:50 UTC  

A minimum wage history teacher

2021-01-04 03:24:56 UTC  

Became a millionaire