Message from @Rez at Dorsia
Discord ID: 338826577855119361
Parents threatening to take phone away because I didn't get all As
Mfw I know their addresses and card numbers n shit
>living with parents
I kid, I kid
>own two houses
>still live with parents
feels meh
>not renting out the other homes for passive income
Thank God I'm about to move out of dads house. Saved up enough shekels to pay off my car. And live well for a good year lol
@Iamawesom but that is what im going to be doing soon
Repainting one andthe other replacing a floor then gonna put up for rent when you need a cuckshed but live in an apartment
That actually looks really comfy
it does look p comfy
but it also looks like a confessional
Forgive me father for I have sinned
excuse me as I'm going to go throw up
s T O P
Can I get one uhhhhh vetting
The website looks bretty good
I havent lookedat it in awhile, but it at least was a cut and paste layout you get from elsewhere and plug your own stuff into
It's kinda barebones and the contrast is startling, but it does have a bit of good info
I was kinda hoping there'd be more reading material on Anticom, though. Events y'all've supported and charity work etc
There's not much in the way of faggotry here since lefty kids graduating from SCAD usually fuck off when they realize the bible belt doesn't harbor commies well. I don't see a lot of their shit, but it's nice to be connected and prepared
@Tangent Gael Hello
Oh I guess there's an Anticom ATL, that's fairly nearby. Anyone from ATL on?
@Ulstèr-Scotch Hello
As per punishment
You have been labeled
In the colour of Diahorea
For everyone to see and laugh at