Message from @Trumpster1899
Discord ID: 458001631712247830
1.5% is horrible. California is a shit hole, he should be doing way better with a reactionary message in a statewide election
if you cant convince normies, your message sucks. There are no "based lunatics" in politics, sorry
1.5% is better than 0, it shouldn't be discouraged
everyone would be laughing if some dumb tankie ran on the platform of "SIEZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, COMMUNISM NOW" but since Little has the "right message", suddenly we need to defend it
what is with the fascination with socialism in so many on the nationalist right?
Little reminds me of Joe Owens here
@DeplorablePapa A lot of nationalists are beginning to see contradictions with supporting nationalism, and laissez-faire economics, and aren't aware that there are alternatives other than socialism
There s nothing wrong with an educational candidate, however Little was not the one, he's a lunatic, and is just plain wrong besides having no chance of making any positive effect
He's not totally wrong on everything , but his rhetoric is toxic
you will duel me
if you refuse you are a jew
chose your weapons sir
>local candidates IS the way forward @Rasenemus
Yes I agree
Local candidates ARE* the way forward
you cant punch right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, that guy with a swastika on his dick is exposing himself at the debates? Well jeez guys, can't punch right! Let's endorse him!
I took time off to read culture of critique but than discovered i could download the audio file and play at at 4x speed... finished it much faster, now I have a lot of time on my hands
not punching right allows the glow in the darks to take over your movement but at the same time, punching right is a tactic of the glow in the darks....<:powerthink:402373351961788417>
last chapter of suicide of a superpower fellas
its weird how you can say "why are whites becoming a minority in their own lands" without vaping or naming the jew? huh
sitting outside reading
@Trumpster1899 Did they call him a Nazi yet?
eating cake
drinking milk
Let them eat cake
let them drink milk
91 degrees here
Whites are becoming a minority because it's economically viable for that trajectory to take place
Capitalists don't see race, only profits
@Deleted User You don't have to name the Jew in order to talk about the demographic decline. People have been doing it for years
Although there are other reasons why mass immigration is taking place, but economics is the primary reason
thats what im saying
@DeplorablePapa The Arizona GOP called for him to resign
i'm shocked
shocked i say
@Deleted User I agree