Message from @Rasenemus
Discord ID: 458010349874970625
Benedict XVI's great uncle wrote about this in his book Judisches Erwebsleben
They either dismiss it
Or believe and sperg
because the JQ is presented in the wrong format
Who was responsible for running Germany into the ground at the start of the 20th century
Some get it tho
The Kaiser?
people on the right for the most part see the JQ as a racial issue
Frame Game Radio does great work on the JQ and he is one of the very few Jews along with Matt Semite who do such good work.... other than that I can't name any more
what about thernovich
well maybe Paul Gotfried to a degree
Racial but also economic and cultural @Rasenemus
It’s very pervasive
Yes, but there must be an explanation that encompasses all of this
And that’s the tricky part
not if you're a Catholic
People don’t wanna engage with every aspect
I do
I said earlier its within Catholic teaching that the Jews are our enemies
St. Paul talks about this
You Catholic?
Jesus also called the Jews sons of the Devil in John 8:42-44
Look into banking, look into anti Goy propaganda look into war etc Look at the Bible and Talmud etc
That brings you up a notch in my book.... you are now at notch 1
The synagogue of Satan yes
Also read Book of Enoch
Yeah, so here's the thing with Catholicism, in John 1:1
in the original Greek, it essentially says that God = Logos
Logos is the divine, universal order to which all things can exist and function
this can manifest itself within the governmental spheres, social spheres, economic etc.
To reject this is to essentially become a revolutionary
You owe to yourself to read Enoch if you haven’t it’s oseudographia referenced in the Bible
So the Jews were given an option, accept Christ, or reject him, and so they rejected him, had him killed, they killed Logos incarnate
@Metaphysical Monarchist I'll add that to my list, thanks for the recommendation
So, since the Jews killed the Logos incarnate (Christ), they essentially became revolutionaries
Makes sense