Message from @timcurry nickerbottum
Discord ID: 762907128632836136
baste and AJ pilled
I have a liberal family
> someone i know has to read this for college english class
My entire city is on fire
Smoke everywhere
I will send footage
I'm so sorry Timcurry
I'm in the WI/MN area so I can relate
Nah lmao I don't care this place sucks
You guys gotta see this tho
I'm thinking of moving closer to my adopted family :/ I missed here for my biological father.
Oh yeah
What's up everyone
Yo you good
how have you been ronal
Is tim fine tho
That's what's up mothafuckers
Jesu Christo
riots are justified because they are the only way that the unheard can express their voice, bigot
um sweatie, that is racism
Here’s some based wallpapers for y’all
fuck up my school election and make trump win barely anyone votes and they will announce the result over speaker
Ok I voted for all the based answers 🙂
Man tho the librarian is going to be angry when she sees that all of the library computers have links to Nicks DLive page on it
is that the anglo homo that was cracking enigma?
fuck him
Based Hispanics exist.
Charlie Klerk or Ben ShapirBro