Message from @WTRP
Discord ID: 761456993860845589
Wtf happened?
Assuming the logs are not edited of course
they absolutely will be tampered with
Most definitely
Donald trump is most likely to be on there because of how corrupt people are
Wow trump is so based and whitepilling amirite fellow migapedes
His timeline last 3 hours is depressing
Just shit for latinos, blacks and leeches
Ziondon will pay the reparations faster than the dems
Obtaining and retaining power is important, the overton window doesn't support the model where you make a drastic move in one direction and expect to achieve the former.
Small incremental changes toward a destination is key, it took them generations to degrade our society to this point and their hope was that it would remain unlike in Germany.
He’s gonna name Juneteenth a national holiday
What the fuck are u even on about
Someone slipped him something with corona on it?
>need him out of the fight and in quarantine
His physician says he's fine...
Strong like Ox
Punished venom trump
something is going to happen in South Africa soon
If it goes to a shooting war they will be just like Rhodesia
I hate to say it but their best bet would honestly be to just leave
Go back to the UK or the Netherlands (as per their ancestry) and stop it from happening over there in the future
True. Only death for them there now