Discord ID: 780149658785284146

2020-11-22 03:36:29 UTC  

"idk its just straight facts"

2020-11-22 03:37:19 UTC  

Never trust a wignat unless they like Mosley

2020-11-22 03:44:46 UTC  

Even Mosley would laugh at the modern day Wignats especially the one's like Gypsy who explicitly call for violence

2020-11-22 03:50:04 UTC  

Gypsy is just good to laugh at

2020-11-22 03:50:08 UTC  

and thats it

2020-11-22 09:15:57 UTC  

verified @J_ROC

2020-11-22 15:38:16 UTC  

Thank you sir

2020-11-22 15:53:12 UTC  

Have you all considered an investing/trading subchannel?

2020-11-22 16:29:41 UTC  

@J_ROC <#757666734365868128>

2020-11-22 16:30:36 UTC  

wait dont you donate to nick a lot?

2020-11-22 17:15:07 UTC  

No that is another J Roc... I'll change my name here

2020-11-22 17:16:05 UTC  

how do you gain access to that #finance channel? I can't see it on my end

2020-11-22 17:23:51 UTC  

Lmao I did the exact same with Telegram. They're insufferable.

2020-11-22 18:33:09 UTC  

@Senna Yeah mate especially recently, both just go on and on about Nick and Vince

2020-11-22 18:33:39 UTC  

They completely lost it when they saw the vid of Nick disavowing Kami for his larpy Hitler speech

2020-11-22 18:55:57 UTC  

Women shouldn't vote

2020-11-22 19:15:44 UTC  


2020-11-22 19:15:49 UTC  

I made a new twitter account

2020-11-22 19:16:04 UTC  

ah bruh

2020-11-22 19:16:04 UTC  

How do I evade a ban tho? Should I put, "parody account" in my bio?

2020-11-22 19:16:13 UTC  

wait til the phone shit comes in

2020-11-22 19:16:27 UTC  

and if u put parody account ull prolly up ur chances of getting le ban

2020-11-22 19:16:58 UTC  

I verified it with a friends phone nunber because he aint got twitter

2020-11-22 19:17:07 UTC  

i see

2020-11-22 19:17:56 UTC  

So should I put like, "fan account"

2020-11-22 19:20:21 UTC  

ye lol

2020-11-22 19:20:33 UTC  

Ok cool

2020-11-22 19:20:42 UTC  

fan account of jack dorsey @itslennytime

2020-11-22 19:21:09 UTC  

No I mean like should I put fan account of my old account that got banned

2020-11-22 19:21:28 UTC  

bruh lol

2020-11-22 19:21:48 UTC  

No like seriously

2020-11-22 19:22:13 UTC  

well i mean if u just lurk u prolly wont get banned lol

2020-11-22 19:22:25 UTC  


2020-11-22 19:22:35 UTC  

I wanna be able to make tweets and stuff doe

2020-11-22 19:22:57 UTC  

ur already able to cuz u have a phone number

2020-11-22 19:23:18 UTC  

have a ~~safe twitter trip~~

2020-11-22 19:23:21 UTC  

No like without twitter figuring out I made a new account to evade ban

2020-11-22 19:23:33 UTC  

oh shit

2020-11-22 19:23:36 UTC  

well den i cant help ya

2020-11-22 19:24:21 UTC  

Ill just put fan account of, "itslennytime"