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@IAR 99 Șoim some 3 cringe fat retards reacting to Nick and Bake's epic victory over the retarded girls and woman

to see the reaction skip to 1:12:00

classic vid


Kyle please


@everyone If you have any suggestions on how to improve our server, please don't hesitate to message me or any of the other mods <@&757723127722803322> <@&771046989999243275>

Boys this fag on twitter who acts like Destiny has linked his discord on his bio

anyone want to do something let me know

how much of a big deal is this?

Pompeo: "There will be a smooth transition into a second Trump administration."

sure, there you go

@mrspiderforeman it was UFC no?

bruh anyone who takes Gypsy seriously can be shown the door right now, the guy is a full on retard who constantly drones on about how AF is cucked. Not someone to associate yourself with at all, he is very entertaining though

He used to do Muay Thai so I don't know if that's more MMA or closer to boxing?


I remember when I came across his first steam when he first started

He was very funny and still is somewhat but the guy just larps now on his telegram and his stream

Has anyone here also heard of Yee Ole Hammer?

I follow both him and Gypsy on telegram just to see what Wignats report on etc. and its so fucking cringe when they start posting about Nick and how he's a coward and Catboy, you know the usual stuff

These people talk as if Groypers would be on their side if Nick didn't exist 😆

Even Mosley would laugh at the modern day Wignats especially the one's like Gypsy who explicitly call for violence

@Senna Yeah mate especially recently, both just go on and on about Nick and Vince

They completely lost it when they saw the vid of Nick disavowing Kami for his larpy Hitler speech

This guys thinks he going to be more popular than Fuentes because he has 14k on telegram 😂

Fuentes literally got 50k lives viewers on freakin Dlive for the election stream, this guy can barely get 800 every time he streams

a lot of them do yea

He's very entertaining with his costumes and the guy goes off a lot more than Kami

This guys is literally 32 years of age

So Juvenile its sad

bruh the leader of the other server over here congratulating someone who hates us

Zoomer Vince caught lacking lmao

Yup I 100% agree

Someone did mention him in a super chat before but Nick said he hadn't heard of him which is no surprise

on his telegram yesterday, he put a video up saying there would be no point in debating Nick and that he would just tower over him in height (I don't know how that's relevant)

Like a month ago though he said he would debate Nick

The guy would be so out of his depth if a debate was to happen

He can barely debate on omegle let alone against someone who knows what they're talking about

i invited @RepublicanLamp so he's cool

@ZoomerNat this guy is a epic Omegle recruit

I'm joining that Zoom now btw just to see what's going on

yeah they didn't let me in


just some daily Gypsy Crusader cringe

That's exactly what he thinks mate, thats what they all think

You should see the guys telegram

the stuff he's post's on there and not just about Nick

I mean its mostly Nazi's, I have not seen a lot of pagans who follow him, I mean they're hard to spot generally because wignats come off as very secular anyway but this Gypsy guy is a Catholic

I think its mostly an attention grab, they literally do nothing other than go on omegle, stream, post of Telegram and Instagram if they're not getting banned

very influential lol

BRUH the proud boys were pushing someone around for shouting 'sodomy is a sin'

It does not exist

idk but it doesn't exist, I'll tell you that much



The leader of the other server everyone

Imagine having the AF symbol as your logo and then asking how a literal self claimed Nazi is not on our side


@frankthetank what do you mean so what? How can you go around representing AF if you're out there praising Wignats who hate the movement?

It's illogical and stupid

This video

Plus the guy has criticised Nick countless time on his telegram talking about how Nick is a 'grifter' and he's 'lying to our people'

Its pathetic and any supporter of AF should not take him seriously and certainly shouldn't be congratulating him

@ZoomerNat mate I generally might have to

Seeing too many people claiming to be on our side supporting the guy

sorry pal busy at the moment, I'll just say at the moment that the guy doesn't really matter but when you look at the big picture you have the differentiate between finding him funny and then actually supporting him

Some people seem to not be able to do that

the fact that he's on the guys channel congratulating him in the comments in a video where he's explicitly calling out Nick in the title

So? Shouldn't be congratulating a wignat (who hates the movement) on anything

@frankthetank finding him funny is different and yes it is bad to congratulate the retard, why would you congratulate someone who hates our movement?

Not really, the guy was apart of the side who split the server due to people not sticking to the movements core values, well how is congratulating a wignat sticking to AF's core values lmao?

Not just an ordinary wignat either, the guy literally hates Fuentes and everything the movement stands for

The intentions are irrelevant

cya Benster @Benster

James Allsup is such a cuck now wtf

yeah the guy is a wignat larper, plain and simple

yeah I know, I like how they did that

He finally did it guys

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