Message from @RorsetπŸ˜”πŸ€™πŸ₯€π”Šπ”…β„­ πΈπ‘‡πΈπ‘…π‘π΄πΏπŸ’”

Discord ID: 489639015213957138

2018-09-13 03:27:30 UTC  

But why? Nobody actually cared except a very loud minority

2018-09-13 03:27:31 UTC  

they will be in day 1 or patched in day 2.

2018-09-13 03:27:46 UTC  

does it matter as long as they get money from idiots who still buy into BF saga

2018-09-13 03:27:57 UTC  

The kind of people who literally have nothing to do but shitpost at a video game company's twitter about stupid shit

like the worst battlefield in terms of preorders in like 10 years

2018-09-13 03:28:11 UTC  

what is good

2018-09-13 03:28:16 UTC  

as you should not fucking pre-order shit

2018-09-13 03:28:23 UTC  

Because it's the same old shit, for starters

2018-09-13 03:28:28 UTC  

this should be common knowledge by now

2018-09-13 03:29:05 UTC  

I "preordered" Spiderman by buying it 15 minutes before the release

2018-09-13 03:29:22 UTC  

As in, AFTER I had had like 3 days to watch reviews

2018-09-13 03:29:36 UTC  

Buying a game sight unseen other than press footage is incredibly retarded

2018-09-13 03:29:38 UTC  

don't do that

2018-09-13 03:30:01 UTC  


2018-09-13 03:30:21 UTC  

Yeah, because saving 10 bucks is worth the risk of finding out you wasted 35

2018-09-13 03:30:41 UTC  

or worth the hasle to return the game due its shit~

2018-09-13 03:31:20 UTC  

you are in luck if you get it from humble or gog they have decent amount of braincells but from steam or uplay

2018-09-13 03:31:26 UTC  

hahahahha you deserve your shit at that point

2018-09-13 03:31:55 UTC  

source: been more than happy that i have bought shit from humble instead of other places

2018-09-13 03:32:03 UTC  

their return policy is quite great

2018-09-13 03:32:46 UTC  

Games I have "Preordered":
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - I was 7 and literally didn't understand how "preordering" worked. I saw a commercial and thought the game was out. My dad actually beat me in the car for going into the store with ~$60 and coming out with a slip of paper that said "Come back in 2 weeks"

2018-09-13 03:33:19 UTC  

Monster Hunter World- I played the demo and liked it

2018-09-13 03:33:28 UTC  

And Spiderman for the reasons I already said

2018-09-13 03:33:38 UTC  

Only an idiot preorders based just on press footage

2018-09-13 03:33:45 UTC  

source: Me, the smartest person in the room

2018-09-13 03:33:59 UTC  

on the last note there is many opinions :D

2018-09-13 03:34:17 UTC  

but even actualy "sneak peek" reviews are not to be trusted

2018-09-13 03:34:49 UTC  

Oh, for sure

2018-09-13 03:35:17 UTC  

You gotta watch the "Literally Who?" reviewers so you know you're not being scammed by someone who takes dev bribes for a living

2018-09-13 03:35:23 UTC  

see examples watchdogs,no mans sky,borderlands pre-sequel,killing floor 2,guardians of middle earth,anything uplay, ........

2018-09-13 03:36:23 UTC  

Apparently No Man's Sky is playable now, but I won't buy it on principal

2018-09-13 03:46:38 UTC  

@johnfrum at least Italian faggots are actual massive faggots, not like US faggots who are fags even in their way of being faggots

2018-09-13 03:47:43 UTC  

I can't tell if discord scrolling has claimed another victim, or if this is a random Wop outburst

2018-09-13 03:48:04 UTC  

No it was an answer to something he posted hours ago

2018-09-13 03:48:16 UTC  

He pinged me