Message from @RorsetπŸ˜”πŸ€™πŸ₯€π”Šπ”…β„­ πΈπ‘‡πΈπ‘…π‘π΄πΏπŸ’”

Discord ID: 490288963756752906

2018-09-14 21:40:05 UTC  

Or a git hook, are you using git?

2018-09-14 21:40:26 UTC  

Make a post commit hook that moves your trello tickets whenever you push a commit with the same text as the ticket title

2018-09-14 21:40:37 UTC  

I have such a git hook but for Jira

2018-09-14 21:40:40 UTC  

They don't check after the following week anymore so I guess I'll dump the teamwork to Slack/Discord

2018-09-14 21:41:01 UTC  

Slack <:soy:445918167257317376>

2018-09-14 21:41:02 UTC  

There is Trello integration for Slack though

2018-09-14 21:41:23 UTC  

Btw how bad is kek

2018-09-14 21:41:57 UTC  

If you want to move away from trellol, take a look at redmine

2018-09-14 21:42:18 UTC  

You just need to host it yourself but it's great

2018-09-14 21:42:37 UTC  

Yeah I'll look forward to it

2018-09-14 21:42:57 UTC  

College books are a scam btw

2018-09-14 21:43:54 UTC  

idk its not that bad

2018-09-14 21:43:55 UTC  

in the uk

2018-09-14 21:44:17 UTC  

Alright, I'm in my mac now

2018-09-14 21:44:29 UTC  

the one that got the keyboard fucked up

2018-09-14 21:45:42 UTC  

Why don't you attach the keyboard of your desktop pc to your macbook?

2018-09-14 21:46:04 UTC  


2018-09-14 21:58:04 UTC  

or just use synergy

2018-09-14 21:58:47 UTC  

or i suppose barrier is now the tool to use

2018-09-14 21:58:55 UTC  

damn devs trying to cuck people

back from mountain,my legs feel like shattered glass and i m thinking about dropping this hobby,it is 1am and i just managed to get home.

maybe some chink exoskeleton would help me

or maybe planning trips that do not take 17 hours

2018-09-14 23:17:51 UTC  
2018-09-14 23:17:55 UTC  

how do i pack less shit

i wish i knew that,i had to carry 5l of water and lots of food that i did not eat at all and drank rarely

because my stomach was like "pls do not fill me we are going uphill"

also,gotta get better back pack,this one hurted like bitch just wearing shirt

2018-09-14 23:20:31 UTC  

I misplaced my 1l bottle

2018-09-14 23:20:46 UTC  

Gotta take my protein shaker and a 0.5l water bottle

2018-09-14 23:20:53 UTC  

then buy some when we're there

2018-09-14 23:20:59 UTC  

17 hours lol

2018-09-14 23:21:00 UTC  

wtf did you do

2018-09-14 23:21:04 UTC  

got lost?

2018-09-14 23:21:06 UTC  

no flashlight I see

2018-09-14 23:21:14 UTC  

my friend you need imalent whatever

2018-09-14 23:21:15 UTC  

50000 lumens

hah,it is actually true i did not see my way back anymore

especially in more forested areas