Message from @Free2Think

Discord ID: 788061167586902076

2020-12-14 14:10:27 UTC  

Yes and that @ Free2Think. What does Trump mean doing it the hard way over in GA? I dont understand

2020-12-14 14:23:47 UTC  

Not 100% but do know he issued stern warning yesterday that no state should certify fraudulent results. He reminded everyone that could lead to serious charges. I’m really thinking more than ever at this point that he will be using the 2018 election interference executive orders this week. The 18th is the 45th day after the election and the day the DNI/special forces investigative report will be delivered to several gov’t offices. The fact that house of rep dems are pushing for GOP reps to not be seated makes me think they are in full blown panic mode at this point

2020-12-14 14:25:09 UTC  

That and the fact that more than one states are still holding hearings on fraud and today is the day the electoral college should be meeting and casting votes. Definitely feels like major things are happening right now, have a good feeling about this week!

2020-12-14 14:30:21 UTC  

Makes you wonder what they are trying to hide in that report^^^. Also want to note they are discussing discovery in that court ^^^ that’s good news. That means evidence will be seen and heard by a judge! That’s a milestone...hasn’t been done until now

2020-12-14 14:40:26 UTC  

Wow its really happening... I thought a lot of the efforts went out the window with SCOTUS decision since they are the highest court. Someone in Parley did mentioned about getting ready for shut down between the 18th and 24th. Praying 🙏 🙏 🙏

2020-12-14 14:42:20 UTC  

SCOTUS not over. TX suit was dismissed but Sidney’s cases for Ga, Pa, Az, and Wi all made it to SCOTUS Friday and Saturday. And her case covers both constitutional (same as TX) and fraud issues (with evidence). Maybe SCOTUS passed on TX for standing because they knew these were coming with standing, merit and evidence of fraud. She will be filing for Mi at some point too I think...maybe Nv as well, today or tomorrow maybe

2020-12-14 14:43:48 UTC  

Trump and his circle are still playing 4D chess...lets just pray this is the CHECKMATE week!

2020-12-14 14:51:55 UTC  

Link I posted is Antrim Co, Mi. Virtual Court Meeting. Dominon report to be released today (about to look for it, redacted but apparently has something the defendants need to explain “why it’s a misleading preliminary report...” (how the Mi sec of state will be explaining it HA!) Trial not preliminary scheduled til April tho.

2020-12-14 14:57:49 UTC  

Link explaining details of case. Not directly Trump connected but absolutely connected (same machines, same patterns, same fraud)

2020-12-14 15:01:22 UTC  

I feel like we just need one win and the rest will follow. And it seems the left is eerily quite just riding it out till 20th next month. So hard only a handful of them on the top fighting too many corruptions from different levels. My libs friend kept bashing Trump caused he fired so many. If he is to fire Barr which i think he should, the so called friend will use that for the I told you so comment. So frustrating. Yes hopefully and prayers for checkmate this week!

2020-12-14 15:06:17 UTC  

Agreed. Fun fact: Kamala Harris still hasn’t submitted resignation for current position hehehe

2020-12-14 15:10:09 UTC  

Lol, now I’m envisioning a checkmate followed by a series of dominos falling...also on a 4D basis. How beautiful would that be!

2020-12-14 15:10:39 UTC  

Also I just read about this today. Probably late since everyone is so up-to-date here lololols but I'm sharing it anyway.

2020-12-14 15:10:46 UTC  

2020-12-14 15:11:16 UTC  

Ooopps no link here... sorry

2020-12-14 15:12:30 UTC  

TMC, u there buddy? I just had one of my light bulb moments for both Channels (VC and TMC). A video of someone checkmating on a 4D chess board setting off a multi level domino falling sequence. Tall order I know but would be awesome to post it if a when that checkmate happens with all this election stuff

2020-12-14 15:12:42 UTC  

Its about Biden's brother in law being owner of Dominion. Just so crazy by the day

2020-12-14 15:13:43 UTC  

A lot of interesting dominion financial links have been coming to light the past couple weeks. Will be so intriguing to see all those dots connected...

2020-12-14 15:15:19 UTC  

Yes!!! 😂

2020-12-14 15:17:59 UTC  

Ok have a new security bot, also if you want to share links post them in <#786254374179569674>

2020-12-14 15:19:48 UTC  

Ok TMC. Thx 👍

2020-12-14 15:44:41 UTC  
2020-12-14 15:46:25 UTC  

Will be there soon. Knee deep in Mrs. Mommy duties right now. Keep me posted on any developments till I can get it going please

2020-12-14 15:53:41 UTC  

Good morning patriots, how are we doing?

2020-12-14 16:47:33 UTC  

Hi Belinda, they're over on the live stream, from Arizona

2020-12-14 16:48:40 UTC  

big tech blackout sounds good

2020-12-14 16:51:10 UTC  

True the media wouldn't "blackout" if they won lol President Trump won Election night

2020-12-14 16:52:36 UTC  

He’s tried to steal it, he got caught tho praise be! This week will prove that me thinks hehehe!

2020-12-14 16:59:04 UTC  
2020-12-14 17:12:22 UTC  

Good @Free2Think the michigan judge should have never withheld the evidence in the first place, Treason

2020-12-14 17:20:07 UTC  

Popcorn this week, maybe weapons next week tho. Hearing rumors soros has stocked a decent sized Arsenal for blantifa last week. Had a troll mention 3million weapons....all unconfirmed rumors and troll boasts so far tho.

2020-12-14 17:25:23 UTC  

They will, the democrats and Chinese will be exposed

2020-12-14 17:25:53 UTC  

Seems like SC is posturing, at present

2020-12-14 17:26:10 UTC  

Sidney Powell has, as of Saturday, filed 4 of her cases with SCOTUS. Ga pa az and wi if I’m not mistaken...more may follow first part of this week

2020-12-14 17:27:02 UTC  

Yes this isn't over @Free2Think. The democrats tears are flowing lol

2020-12-14 17:28:05 UTC  

They just got straight saddled with four of Powell’s major krakens lol. They and every assistant they have are neck deep in suits, affidavits, and technical reports lol. We may not hear from them as quick as we normally do. 2 were filed Friday and two Saturday 😂

2020-12-14 17:28:32 UTC  
