Message from @JP...

Discord ID: 788359559336689676

2020-12-15 10:42:00 UTC  

No it did not. Feminism is a dirty word to me. It is up to the individual to draw the line in the sand as to what behaviour they permit or not. I've had lots of that type of behaviour at work but I don't go off screaming to a tribunal - I prefer to deal with it myself and it stops pretty sharpish with the right word or two

2020-12-15 10:43:22 UTC  

not all women are as strong as you Clare

2020-12-15 10:43:30 UTC  

As much as I am against abortion I have to take the Dave Chappelle approach if you have a schlong just stay out of the discussion this is one area that needs to be left to the women

2020-12-15 10:44:51 UTC  

No that's what feminist want men to think - it is a man and women's issue - it takes two to make a child - not a petri dish.

2020-12-15 10:45:43 UTC  

Well I must be a rarity then or not easily brainwashed.

2020-12-15 10:45:58 UTC  

I don't think women should be bale to abort a child without even informing the father first, what he says might change her mind

2020-12-15 10:46:31 UTC  

I am not brainwashed I just believe women should be the ones who discuss what's right for them somehow it seems misogynist to dictate what a woman can and can't do I wasn't raised that way women have just as much rights as a man sometimes a little more because let's face it men are stupid women keep us from doing stupid crap

2020-12-15 10:48:11 UTC  

not dictate no, but when a child's life is at stake men should be able to voice their opinion and not be forced to stay silent just because they have a penis

2020-12-15 10:48:13 UTC  

There should never be a case when an unborn child is deliberately and intentionally murdered in a mother's womb. A woman should not be lied to either by the state justifying it or abortion clinics telling lies about the issue. It takes only 5 minutes of the truth to save a child's life - I know - I stand outside abortion places and have saved children and the women from abortion

2020-12-15 10:49:16 UTC  

I completely agree with you Claire I just won't be the one who dictates over a woman doesn't seem right

2020-12-15 10:50:43 UTC  

a lot of the time though women abort because they are scared, men can help them deal with their fear

2020-12-15 10:51:00 UTC  

They don't call women the other half of a man's brain for nothing without women we are drooling idiots

2020-12-15 10:51:00 UTC  

GG @Phil Whitehead, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-15 10:51:50 UTC  

only after a six pack

2020-12-15 10:52:08 UTC  

or two

2020-12-15 10:52:25 UTC  

No personally I am lost without my wife I would be spinning around in circles bumping into stuff

2020-12-15 10:54:36 UTC  

men and women need each other they need us too buddy and one of the reason women need us is that we can make tough decisions at a time when all seems lost, now to a young scared woman who thinks her life is in the pan cos she is pregnant alone and scared a man's input might just help her save the life of her unborn child.

2020-12-15 10:55:25 UTC  

JP it's obvious you've never argued with a woman because men can't win don't even try once she gets pissed off it's over

2020-12-15 10:55:31 UTC  

I am just saying I get that it is her body and her final choice, but men should not be forced into silence over this because we have a penis, isnt that discrimination too?

2020-12-15 10:57:38 UTC  

Not really some things some have long end of the stick on

2020-12-15 10:59:25 UTC  

I think the father should be informed so as to have a chance to talk her out of it that's all, it sucks that women can do this then tell the guy after or even not at all

2020-12-15 11:00:17 UTC  

That I agree with but being a deadbeat father no no if you're going to have sex without protection don't be shocked later on

2020-12-15 11:01:03 UTC  

well there are guys who you would think would make a bad father, but who step up.

2020-12-15 11:01:37 UTC  

exactly Phil. But it's not dictating. The unborn child is counting on both parents to save its life. men need to step up and act as the father when they have created a life.

2020-12-15 11:02:09 UTC  

Many step up that's my point, but unless they are told about the pregnancy they have no chance

2020-12-15 11:02:11 UTC  

See there's the other thing making babies just for a free paycheck we have entirely too much of that going on spreading legs and pumping out units is not a career choice

2020-12-15 11:02:33 UTC  

yeah we have that here too Phil

2020-12-15 11:04:09 UTC  

yes Jp and lied too that it is a simple procedure and that it is a blob of tissue/cells. Horrific. In those instances the greater sin lies with the abortion industry. when some women realise that they have been lied too, they spend the rest of their lives in terrible grief and guilt over 'choosing' an abortion. Tell the truth to both men and women about the unborn child's development - that changes hearts and minds

2020-12-15 11:04:57 UTC  

I knew a woman who had an abortion at 16 and she couldnt have children later in life after that, it broke her up

2020-12-15 11:05:01 UTC  

No, don't agree with that. Men are not idiots - women and men perfectly compliment each other

2020-12-15 11:06:01 UTC  

Jp - the unborn child is not a woman's body - separate DNA, separate heart and body forming so it NO-ONE's right to take that away.

2020-12-15 11:06:21 UTC  

that's a good point

2020-12-15 11:07:50 UTC  

and doesn't God decide who lives and dies? Do we have the right to play God?

2020-12-15 11:07:50 UTC  

GG @JP..., you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-15 11:08:51 UTC  

Exactly that is the bottom line. Thou shall not kill - that means from conception right up to natural death. If you can start qualifying when a life is worth killing then there is no end to it.

2020-12-15 11:10:38 UTC  

a murdered unborn might just have been the person who would have cured cancer or invented interstellar travel, who knows?

2020-12-15 11:10:58 UTC  

Apologies guys if this chat got very serious but all my life from the age of 11 onwards, i have been passionately pro-life, no exceptions and that is only one part of the reason why I support and love President Trump. Any man that is pro-life and actively so, gets my loyal vote and support

2020-12-15 11:11:52 UTC  

Google the amount of famous people that were nearly aborted - Ronaldo for a start

2020-12-15 11:13:02 UTC  

and thats just the people whose mother admitted it

2020-12-15 11:14:07 UTC  

Exactly. martin Sheen's wife was a survivor of abortion and look at the dynasty they created. Abortion ends a branch of a family tree.

2020-12-15 11:15:09 UTC  

Many women who abort a pregnancy live with the guilt there whole lives. How can a young girl of 16/17 understand what that means?