Message from @Tribit

Discord ID: 549294284357107773

2019-02-24 18:13:40 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:13:44 UTC  

No, buddy.

2019-02-24 18:13:45 UTC  

How about posting it like this

2019-02-24 18:13:48 UTC  

Old forum style

2019-02-24 18:14:23 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:14:33 UTC  

Baby's first arch

2019-02-24 18:15:02 UTC  

If I had time to waste I'd probably try the Antergos

2019-02-24 18:15:12 UTC  

Or something more closer to Arch

2019-02-24 18:15:41 UTC  

Okay, I have the server set up. Work will have to be done to get the music bot working, but what're ya gonna do. Will probably send out invites next time we have a jam session

2019-02-24 18:15:51 UTC

2019-02-24 18:15:56 UTC  

OwO whats this

2019-02-24 18:16:14 UTC  

Antergos is gay

2019-02-24 18:16:14 UTC  

>he doesn't know

2019-02-24 18:17:40 UTC  

Oh what now

2019-02-24 18:17:47 UTC  

Installing from source is out of the question

2019-02-24 18:18:12 UTC  

Or well pure Arch since I can't be arsed to do the command prompt install

2019-02-24 18:18:25 UTC  

Protip, no distro you install will ever be good enough

2019-02-24 18:18:36 UTC  

You will always be a cuck in some way, shape or form

2019-02-24 18:18:37 UTC  

>not a true linux user unless you installed it purely by commands

2019-02-24 18:19:16 UTC  

@Matthew *fedora is there*

2019-02-24 18:19:22 UTC  

already off to a good start

2019-02-24 18:20:24 UTC  

Not in MY server

2019-02-24 18:20:50 UTC  

The shitty one that those fags set up because YOU fags wouldn't give us what we were asking for

2019-02-24 18:24:48 UTC  

>configuring a bot
>doing anything IT related

2019-02-24 18:24:50 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:25:24 UTC  

@sum Excuse you, WHO was the one who set up the Arma server after you and Sen couldn't rub your 3 collective brain cells together to figure it out?

2019-02-24 18:25:35 UTC  

I can't forward ports

2019-02-24 18:25:47 UTC  

Since the router I use literally does not allows that

2019-02-24 18:25:58 UTC  

Or my internet speed doesn't allow me to host a server

2019-02-24 18:26:15 UTC  
2019-02-24 18:27:05 UTC  

I don't see the problem

2019-02-24 18:27:22 UTC  

Isn't everyone on /g/ a hacker?

2019-02-24 18:27:46 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:29:55 UTC  

@Matthew not with temple OS

2019-02-24 18:32:39 UTC

2019-02-24 18:32:43 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:33:32 UTC  

Reminder of what?

2019-02-24 18:34:08 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:35:42 UTC  

Reminder to matt he holds a minority opinion

2019-02-24 18:42:04 UTC  

John is O B S E S S E D with proving my taste is bad

2019-02-24 18:51:05 UTC  

Poor John.