Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 551179136652017674

2019-03-01 23:03:01 UTC  

>not even capitalized

2019-03-01 23:03:14 UTC  

Low energy moderation!

2019-03-01 23:03:19 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:03:27 UTC  

matt white knighting gay people with aids

2019-03-01 23:03:30 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:03:47 UTC  

Actually capitalised it would look like shit

2019-03-01 23:04:17 UTC  

@johnfrum what? I wasn't white knighting. I didn't want to hear about his oozing fucking pustules

2019-03-01 23:04:46 UTC  

Krieger was already aids posting and when he wasn't it was a constant stream of racial slurs

2019-03-01 23:05:04 UTC  

And if he DIDN'T go get tested/treated, all of his previous partners could also be at risk

2019-03-01 23:05:54 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:06:05 UTC  

It's nice you're showing concern for your fellow men lovers, you did a great job @Matthew

2019-03-01 23:06:22 UTC  

I think people with AIDS should also have something that they wouldn't be able to hide

2019-03-01 23:06:29 UTC  

@sum over the line there sum

2019-03-01 23:06:30 UTC  

Since that's just putting other people at risk if they're liars

2019-03-01 23:06:39 UTC  

I didn't meant sending them to ghettos

2019-03-01 23:06:43 UTC  

Just wearing some necklace or something

2019-03-01 23:06:50 UTC  

That if they didn't wear they'd get fined

2019-03-01 23:07:13 UTC  

@Tribit now that I'm acknowledged as a huge faggot, can I be mod of off-topic so response times aren't so fucking long for issues here?

2019-03-01 23:07:16 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:07:55 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:09:06 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:09:17 UTC  

Like take for example Krieger

2019-03-01 23:09:22 UTC  

Say you somehow ended up with him as your partner

2019-03-01 23:09:34 UTC  

You would trust him to say whether he has aids or not

2019-03-01 23:11:32 UTC  

Tho I am a firm believer of looking at the past for ideas how to handle certain stuff

2019-03-01 23:11:40 UTC  

Like not copy them 1:1 but get the general gist of things

2019-03-01 23:13:42 UTC  

Don't forget to look into the future too
Short term solutions are usually best to be avoided

2019-03-01 23:13:44 UTC  


2019-03-01 23:14:09 UTC  

@sum Krieger's lifestyle was bound to catch up with him and it did, giving bj's for drugs is a surefire way to catch shit

2019-03-01 23:14:21 UTC  

People like him aren't going to enter into stable relationships with anyone

2019-03-01 23:14:47 UTC  

@Matthew bj's for moderator role on the other hand 👀

2019-03-01 23:14:49 UTC  

The problem is that I think someone would

2019-03-01 23:15:42 UTC  

Yeah no, unless you want to suddenly have your peepee bitten off

2019-03-01 23:16:22 UTC  

It's obviously a joke

2019-03-01 23:17:48 UTC  

@sum I'm sure it happens and that's why you should get tested before doing anything without a rubber

2019-03-01 23:18:07 UTC  

Partner too obv

2019-03-01 23:19:09 UTC  

>common sense

2019-03-01 23:19:12 UTC  

(x) doubt

2019-03-02 00:35:34 UTC  

>hate idol shows
>end up watching idol show