Message from @Billy Yum Yum Two-By-Two
Discord ID: 565063776727203851
I only have one or 2 subtle ones
Like a wat sticker and a kube
I'll *consider* putting bullshit on my car once I finish paying the damn thing off.
Ahh i see
i have taz the tazmanian devil on my spare tire cover
does that mean im a weeaboo
It means you go to /aco/
u mean tiger?
i think you're thinking of something else @Berserk64
yeah just googled seems there are 2 tasmanian creatures
this guy
shit was my childhood
funny you mention childhood
the reason i got the taz cover for my spare tire is because my mom had the same tire cover on her car when i was growing up
good homage
i picked it for the same reason haha
its a different color though
Fucking anglos
A fren is telling me to git gud and move to the states
But it seems western societies are on the downhill
>white paper
But not as bad as uk
why not black paper
wtf intel bros
we're losing
how do we support israel
at one specific german retailer*
It's not one specific
It's mindfactory