Message from @regularperson5656
Discord ID: 278374520652431370
And liquid ass
Squirt gun + liquid ass + stupid lefty protest=
@Zombie m gonna give you 30 seconds to say sorry in voip without voice mod or ur netwirk is gonna get anal'd and ur toaster is gonna b toasted
I'm in
@Wrathsalts got their info?
Love Mattis
@Fokma(Bonjour) I'm just surprised they gave me something to work off. Anyone willing to edit those in our interests?
Trajan was best emperor. Prove me wrong (you can't)
@Wrathsalts Those are already all online though
The ideas to edit them and then actually put them up
white zombie done shat his trousers
Under the guise of getting in
Anarcho capitalists wouldnt protest with violence and anger. we'd bring hotdog stands and talk about voluntary exchange and the negative affects of licenses
Shit, hey guys
>open to everyone but republicans
are they retarded or just consider the entire right wing republican?
and hey
Yes, they're retarded.
They didn't see through my meme account so
meme account for what?
i enjoy larping as a leftist
My faux FB
The fact they even responded is telling
I'm not gonna lie