Message from @HotsueySauce
Discord ID: 229488969623142400
and catch a cat
and you get stuff
like comment subscribe
(mall shooter video)
Hes pretty good
he can't get getting away with it
Great shitpost
Attn: is this name Muslim
Not sure how racist I should be :-(
racism is always a good thing
Confirmed turkish
nico knee
I cancelled that and reordered on mobile
how fucking old is your phone
>falling for the three button Android meme in 2016
Four buttons is where it's at
I'd get five if I had the $$$
Idk, but I prefer hardware buttons, and most cheap phoens now only have 3 hardware buttons
I have CyanogenMod
But not enough neetbux for extra buttons
I only have one, I'm iOS poor
I meant software
software buttons
anyone know of acheap chink version of this?
I've seen chink the other way around
To add blue teeth to a stereo or whatever