Message from @Jignx
Discord ID: 233067076191780864
I didn't buy 50
the XDA pajeets said google was gonna show a "new desktop OS"
fucking fags
yea, called andromeda?
so you can keep two cases cold!
Now watch as the 4chan pass price will soon go up and more boards will be requiring a pass to post in
hi guys
>Moot sells 4chan to a jap for dirt cheap prices
>jap moot says oh it's too pricey to run 4chan
>gets multiple millionaires and CEOs offer to help run 4chan
>tfw Moot is killing himself for 10 years of taking 4chan's shit but now it's making millions off japanese moot
gook moot is smart enough to tell people he is considering offers, moot just tried to sell it quickly and privately so people wouldnt shit on him
Yo what's the difference between the normal monks and the monk plus?
hi all
monks are the original
no reason to get the original seeing as how the plus improved everything
Any decent chink case fans?
ye probably
just get whatever fans man
ive got a busted fan atm and it doesnt do anything to temps
fans are overated
inb4 house fire
any good chink pc fans
brand name shit keeps on dieing in my pc
or just going to shit
holy shitto canada
what did canada do?
canada did 9/11
Japan did 7-11
7-11 was a part-time job
post 'em
What chink shit you waiting on?