Message from @zambz
Discord ID: 234624520005222400
whoops wrong chat
>checking daily deal
>pokemon weed grinder
Refund might take a few days to come through but ask anyway
yeah, i figured it would, apparently it may have been because i did not pay through my paypal, i direcly harged it o my card instead.... fuark
What did you order?
dispute it at the bank if the charge hasnt droped terra
also that is one ambigious cancelation
Sup chink auts
Sup comfy
I'm good, just back from a car boot sale, pretty much end of the hoardin' season
only 5 cars full of crap
have you made a new hoarding video yet
no, I've been too busy at home with family
hoardin hasn't been too great lately, no good finds
also, you use the bm800 right?
yeah I do, might upgrade soon, keep seeing nice ones on gumtree
why does that one cost so much?
I have no idea lad, chink prices always confuse me
Also expensive shipping
did you get yours from goybest or alie
ah ok
I chinked them with a low offer price
turned out to be the metal shock mount version, I think that's one of the best
my dad has a shock mount he never uses, might use that
nice, my mic stand has been nibbled to death by birds
have to replace it soon
nothing stands up right
I angle the mic into my mouth direction like a bent dick
p annoying
if you can get something better go for it, Ark has a great mic