Message from @DO YOU WANT SLI?

Discord ID: 268449029178785792

2017-01-10 18:31:59 UTC  

there's a lot of unexplored room for asymmetrical multiplayer gaming using a headset

2017-01-10 18:32:04 UTC  

and tablets

2017-01-10 18:32:16 UTC  

What would be good would be a screen replacement.

2017-01-10 18:32:30 UTC  

Depends on what you're looking for.

2017-01-10 18:32:36 UTC  

Resolution, size etc?

2017-01-10 18:32:50 UTC  

we've definitely beaten the horse damn well and dead with games on a 2d plane

2017-01-10 18:33:06 UTC  

including 2d projections of 3d environments (fps)

2017-01-10 18:33:58 UTC  

Not really anything more you can do with 3d, it's just immersion

2017-01-10 18:34:55 UTC  

but especially with esport taking more of an accepted role in society, there is room for games that use stuff like VR along with people playing support using smart devices, deep analog controllers and such that start to blur the line between a traditional electronic game and traditional sport / performance

2017-01-10 18:35:36 UTC  

That's far out, man.

2017-01-10 18:35:37 UTC  

which is exciting to me tbh since maybe it can be a cure to some of the ills in the current gaming arena

2017-01-10 18:35:59 UTC  

i mean, DDR amirite

2017-01-10 18:36:05 UTC  

there's plenty of precedent for it

2017-01-10 18:36:24 UTC  

Dance dance revolution..?

2017-01-10 18:36:36 UTC  

just needs to be more of a team accessible thing and for the hardware to be put out by a risk-taker with deep pockets like nintendo

2017-01-10 18:37:05 UTC  

yeah dance dance revolution. more spectator sport than most, one of the most watchable things

2017-01-10 18:37:39 UTC  

Sure, it's a niche arcade thing. Where VR like vive fits

2017-01-10 18:38:42 UTC  

the dev process and the kits just still aren't so mature yet you know

2017-01-10 18:39:18 UTC  

i'm sure i'm not that special in thinking about this stuff, but getting buy-in and work done towards making neato things is risky and arduous in the beginning

2017-01-10 18:39:38 UTC  

anyways switch is an incremental thing towards more localized social gaming

2017-01-10 18:40:36 UTC  

Then they could use very powerful machines so 4k screens are viable and have threadmills so you can acctually move somewhat propperly, but it'd be a very limited arcade thing.

2017-01-10 18:40:54 UTC  

How is switch more localized than previous nintendo?

2017-01-10 18:42:32 UTC  

that's difficult to say; i may have misspoke, but at least from their marketing material, they do seem to be trying to recapture a more seamless local multiplayer experience

2017-01-10 18:42:51 UTC  

Gaming in general has become much less local, online is now the standard and ps4/xbone has few splitscreen titles.

2017-01-10 18:43:43 UTC  

i specifically mean a local group vs an online team, in the same vein as a team of folks playing CS or league

2017-01-10 18:44:41 UTC  

with the emphasis that the experience locally is assymetical ala "keep talking and we don't explode" or whatever

2017-01-10 18:46:16 UTC  

and less throwaway than people locally on the screenless controls manipulating a single cursor or a turret and using their lower level of attachment to a display to use their cognitive skills in other aspects of the "competition", e.g. strategy or planning, support and comms, etc

2017-01-10 18:47:14 UTC  

so anyway

2017-01-10 18:47:47 UTC  

none of that stuff would have anything to do with raw computational power, save the niceties of having the capability to real-time encode video for built-in twitch streaming or whatever else

2017-01-10 18:48:03 UTC  

it's a lot of hard dev work and UI work

2017-01-10 18:48:28 UTC  

Yeah then they have to make a good modern game..

2017-01-10 18:50:12 UTC  

And they'll probably be pretty reluctant to do realistic settings with the weak system

2017-01-10 18:50:16 UTC  

i'm risking getting into philosophy here, but I get the feeling that the folks who emphasize graphics and immersion are less in it for gameplay and competition as much as experienceporn and extrareality eyecandy

2017-01-10 18:51:38 UTC  

i can appreciate it all, but those games don't so much tickle my need to play a game as much as titles that focus on actual problem solving or mechanics

2017-01-10 18:53:56 UTC  

all this shit is risky compared to sitting backseat like Valve is or churning out metrics-driven development like blizzard

2017-01-10 18:54:32 UTC  

maybe nintendo is being risk-adverse too but we'll see how their first party titles pan out

2017-01-10 18:54:39 UTC  

I think the VR devs are playing it safe though by pricing so high, that they wont lose bad if it flops

2017-01-10 18:55:10 UTC  

They could risk more and push it out significantly cheaper but that's a risk

2017-01-10 18:56:30 UTC  

software or hardware? the hardware is arguably as cheap as it gets now in the current incarnation

2017-01-10 18:56:52 UTC  

Hardware, but software too

2017-01-10 18:57:11 UTC  

close to being subsidized by title sales but that's another rabbit hole