Message from @Jignx

Discord ID: 586606481965580307

2019-06-07 11:19:00 UTC  

america ?

2019-06-07 11:19:09 UTC  

oh wait thats UK these days

2019-06-07 11:19:11 UTC  

my bad

2019-06-07 11:28:39 UTC  


2019-06-07 11:29:08 UTC  

My bad thought you were from the Philippines

2019-06-07 11:32:11 UTC  

I do enjoy flip food though

2019-06-07 11:32:14 UTC  

like Jolibee

2019-06-07 12:54:10 UTC

2019-06-07 13:04:09 UTC  


2019-06-07 13:04:17 UTC  

Nobody wants to buy at games too

2019-06-07 13:04:20 UTC  


2019-06-07 13:18:18 UTC  


2019-06-07 17:01:45 UTC  

I just found out my google drive had unlimited storage

2019-06-07 17:01:50 UTC  

I could have backed up everything I own

2019-06-07 17:01:52 UTC  

in terabytes

2019-06-07 17:09:20 UTC  

What did gamestop do?

2019-06-07 17:09:28 UTC  

Is it because they don't have battle toads?

2019-06-07 17:24:36 UTC  

nothing really

2019-06-07 17:24:40 UTC  

their prices are too high

2019-06-07 17:24:43 UTC  

their employees are too annoying

2019-06-07 17:24:52 UTC  

their tradein deals are bad

2019-06-07 17:24:57 UTC  

people just dont want to shop there anymore

2019-06-07 18:10:22 UTC  

there are so many other options now that people don't want to deal with their bullshit anymore

2019-06-07 19:25:35 UTC

2019-06-07 19:25:39 UTC  


2019-06-07 19:36:02 UTC  

@kontroll You know you wouldn't have to see this if you didn't actively seek out those tags

2019-06-07 19:51:52 UTC  

@Tribit Yeah? You're wrong, but you're free to believe what you want all the same.

2019-06-07 19:52:37 UTC  

Prove me wrong

2019-06-07 19:52:38 UTC  


2019-06-07 19:53:42 UTC

2019-06-07 19:54:06 UTC  

Well it *is* Pride Month after all

2019-06-07 19:54:14 UTC  


2019-06-07 19:54:38 UTC  

You sound like a woman now.

2019-06-07 19:55:52 UTC  

just saying that's why it's on their frontpage now

2019-06-07 19:56:09 UTC  

You said "oh, but you have to search for it".

2019-06-07 19:56:14 UTC  

I prove that is not the case.

2019-06-07 19:56:26 UTC  

You say something completely different, ignoring the point you made in the first place.

2019-06-07 19:56:32 UTC  

Woman-arguing 101.

2019-06-07 19:56:39 UTC  

You sound upset.