Message from @jello
Discord ID: 340676685299056641
Vetting is done in the Voice chat,
You got a mic n shit
Yeah, what is the process
I ask question
you answer with what you think
It is just to get to know you as a person
Is this just where you find out if I'm woke on the JQ
We are an alliance of all right wing ideologies man.
What channel
Nevermind, didn't see that one lol
be there in a sex
In a sex
vetting a guy atm
Anticom is a black only movement
No cave beasts allowed
No lmao
they will have to be phsyicall removed
Dang niggers
ew civ nats
Anybody else here going to make it to Politicon?
eff off
Who has any experience with Lynks disease?
@everyone From Occupy to Anticom | Anticom Live Episode 8
we should spread this image of lenin
b4 he shaved his head and became a bald
numale looking fuck
@Faggot Desu Senpai He looks like a mongolian more than he does russian.
Where can I buy a anticom flag?
dude, this is engels, the psuedo father to marx b4 he had his beard