Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 594968203344478230

2019-06-30 12:15:47 UTC  

Except for handlets

2019-06-30 12:29:13 UTC  

Nobody is a handlet in direct comparison to you

2019-06-30 12:29:20 UTC  

Not even your high overlord president

2019-06-30 12:39:17 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:05:41 UTC

2019-06-30 13:06:13 UTC  

even the graph is like owo

2019-06-30 13:08:37 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:09:44 UTC  

I can't believe Nazism is more popular than trap hentai

2019-06-30 13:13:12 UTC  

Don't worry, it's not REAL nazism. It's 2019 "people I don't like say Nazism is bad, so I'll say I'm a Nazi to upset them!"

2019-06-30 13:23:21 UTC  

Or it's people who deliberately look for things to complain about.

2019-06-30 13:24:00 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:26:06 UTC  

What's that supposed to mean, cunt.

2019-06-30 13:26:54 UTC  

Oh, nothing.

2019-06-30 13:27:06 UTC  

what nazi would google "nazism"

2019-06-30 13:29:45 UTC  

What connoisseur would get his trap hentai from Google?

2019-06-30 13:29:46 UTC

2019-06-30 13:29:54 UTC  


2019-06-30 18:45:05 UTC  

That was a good nap

2019-06-30 18:56:01 UTC  

You could've slept more, you know

2019-06-30 19:10:59 UTC  

But then I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight.

2019-06-30 19:11:13 UTC  

And if I slide into bed not ready to sleep...

2019-06-30 19:11:16 UTC  


2019-06-30 19:23:18 UTC  

matt is your penis ok

2019-06-30 19:23:22 UTC  

sometimes i worry about it

2019-06-30 19:24:02 UTC  

Depends if he can find it under the folds

2019-06-30 19:24:32 UTC  

Did this become a pride server

2019-06-30 19:26:12 UTC  


2019-06-30 19:26:34 UTC  

During the month of June, we collectively express our pride for shopping on Chinese websites

2019-06-30 19:28:40 UTC  


2019-06-30 19:28:42 UTC  


2019-06-30 19:33:50 UTC  

@Billy Yum Yum Two-By-Two I'm so tired. Gf got her period today tho, so I have a break for a week

2019-06-30 19:34:27 UTC  

well thats good

2019-06-30 19:34:29 UTC  

Of course, now she's all upset that she isn't pregnant. Told her it takes like a year to be successful

2019-06-30 19:34:32 UTC  

recover while you can

2019-06-30 19:34:58 UTC  

Nah, I'm gonna beat my dick bloody to Marina Liteyears in Honey Select

2019-06-30 19:35:17 UTC  

*hell yeah*

2019-06-30 19:35:49 UTC  

I made a pretty lackluster Jessie from Pokemon the other day, too. Pretty shitty.

2019-06-30 19:36:17 UTC  


2019-06-30 19:36:25 UTC  

i never tried to make a character

2019-06-30 19:36:25 UTC

2019-06-30 19:36:34 UTC  

thats not too bad