Message from @Billy Yum Yum Two-By-Two
Discord ID: 565601311949717537
and i refuse to get a phone without one
isnt that going to become increasingly difficult
do you have a backup v20
Yes, yes it is.
or multiple
yeah im on the v20 train for the long haul
until removable batteries become normal again
if the v20 dies, i still have my galaxy s5 that works fine i can use til i get a new v20
im hoping that eventually all the features that have been phased out of phones lately will come back in style
removable batteries are nice, but not really needed for me
since modern batteries are mostly 4000mAh+
and the battery in my phone is easy to change
i keep my phones for so long that if the battery wasnt removable, it would force me to get a new phone
plus im one of those guys that likes to take out the stock battery and replace it with a 10000mah battery and make their phone the size and weight of a brick
on my phone you just unscrew two philips screws, disconnect the fingerprint ribbon cable, unscrew 10 smaller philips screws, and remove the battery connectors
hard to screw up
i would do that sort of thing with my phone but im afraid of the replacement batteries in general or batteries in the unopened ones degrading over time in the warehouse, unmaintained. then when those are gone the 'refurbished' phones are always just used phones from other people with little more than being wiped, and the reason those are being sold instead of being used is that the batteries are shot anyway
yeah replacing a 'nonremovable battery' can be easy depending on the phone
if i tried to put a big battery like this on a phone that didnt have a removable battery it would both be bigger and have less capacity
they make battery cases for some phones
i had a big battery like that for my s5 as well
yeah i know they do, but they are even bulkier with less capacity
im curious about that
whats your capacity
thats a lot
i like not having to charge my phone
thats impressive. im going to see i can find a battery case like that
i doubt there are many
theres a 10k case for the galaxy note 8
or there used to be at one point
man modern phones kinda suck
and thats why im sticking with my old phones til the phone manufacturers get their head out of their butts again
i think its more likely to get worse before it gets any better
i think theyre going to keep making them worse so people are more likely to replace them after two years because less people are wanting to keep buying them
picking proper phones also helps with the issue
dont pick the "2600mah/ 3200mah" bullshit