Message from @vague
Discord ID: 565598869136605195
Ooh that looks neat
I think that easy/simple mode is huawei only perk tho
Samsung has one and Xiaomi had one
and there are similar launchers but they're always adware as fuck
Oo samsungs have one these days too ?? Neat
I know xiaomis at least had something similar
It's called easy mode and they've had it for a very long time
S2 didnt iirc
Last time i used sammy
I loved my samsung Galaxy S4. It's a shame I accidentally threw it into the ground at Mach 8
i used an s5 for about 100 years
the only reason i have an lg v20 now is because my mom said i should get a new phone and paid for the whole thing
and im not gonna say no to a free phone
I love my LG G6, have no plans to upgrade until this one shits the bed, explodes, or no longer holds a charge
Fuck the LG g4 though. Bootlooping piece of shit
yeah i have no plans to upgrade for a long long time
heck, i jsut got the v20 at the end of last year
and the v20 had been out for a long time at that point
i specifically chose it becasue it has a removable battey
and i refuse to get a phone without one
do you have a backup v20
Yes, yes it is.
or multiple
yeah im on the v20 train for the long haul
until removable batteries become normal again
if the v20 dies, i still have my galaxy s5 that works fine i can use til i get a new v20
im hoping that eventually all the features that have been phased out of phones lately will come back in style
removable batteries are nice, but not really needed for me
since modern batteries are mostly 4000mAh+
and the battery in my phone is easy to change
i keep my phones for so long that if the battery wasnt removable, it would force me to get a new phone
plus im one of those guys that likes to take out the stock battery and replace it with a 10000mah battery and make their phone the size and weight of a brick
on my phone you just unscrew two philips screws, disconnect the fingerprint ribbon cable, unscrew 10 smaller philips screws, and remove the battery connectors
hard to screw up
i would do that sort of thing with my phone but im afraid of the replacement batteries in general or batteries in the unopened ones degrading over time in the warehouse, unmaintained. then when those are gone the 'refurbished' phones are always just used phones from other people with little more than being wiped, and the reason those are being sold instead of being used is that the batteries are shot anyway
yeah replacing a 'nonremovable battery' can be easy depending on the phone
if i tried to put a big battery like this on a phone that didnt have a removable battery it would both be bigger and have less capacity
so im gonna stick with this til removable batteries come in vogue again
they make battery cases for some phones