Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 535906942519083029

2019-01-18 14:40:09 UTC  

Let's do this?

2019-01-18 14:43:27 UTC  

A vast amount of the saving population in south Africa doesn't have internet or a formal address. It might make money. But online postal subscriptions are a wierd thing to South Africans. And the labour laws and business laws are a lot to start a Razor company.

2019-01-18 14:45:14 UTC  

Will never know until we try. 😐 and we can always shake hands with stores like pep etc to reach those that don't have Internet and formal addresses etc.

2019-01-18 14:49:12 UTC  

I never met someone who was happy about the price of razers. Everyone wants to save money somewhere. Normally poor people uses those cheap two to one blade razers that you buy in bulk. Those are really kak. Had to get one at the school office one day to save because i was unsaved it was a dry save.

2019-01-18 14:54:52 UTC  

Yep I know... But you just confirmed that it's not a kak Idea, let's do it and troll Gillette.

2019-01-18 15:25:40 UTC  

dollar shave club would be fucking amazing in SA

2019-01-18 15:26:23 UTC  

Dollar Shave Club is owned by the same company that owns Gilette and that company is the one that made the Gillete advert

2019-01-18 16:07:54 UTC  

whats the gillete advert

2019-01-18 16:34:46 UTC  

some bullshit about toxic masculinity

2019-01-18 16:38:20 UTC  

If you a man that values manly values. Then you are toxic.

2019-01-18 16:40:09 UTC  


2019-01-18 17:49:55 UTC  

i use a electric shaver feelsgoodman

2019-01-18 17:52:22 UTC  

@andrews2547 the idea of dollar save club is that you pay less for razers. But they where basically bought by Gillette

2019-01-18 17:54:24 UTC  

more like (((Gillette)))

2019-01-18 18:08:42 UTC  

If you want to boycott the parent company Procter and Gamble that owns Gillette, I believe it includes OralB, head and shoulders, pampers, vicks and tide... Think those are the relevant ones to SA.

2019-01-18 18:22:11 UTC  

The internet is fucking Cancer.

2019-01-18 18:22:43 UTC  

Like a malignant sore on the poes of a Vark.

2019-01-18 18:22:53 UTC  

It's making us dumb.

2019-01-18 19:28:19 UTC  

Lol learn to manage your time then, that's all there is to it. We all have 24 hour days, equal opportunity. Some waste their time away, others are productive with it, hence why the outcome results are different for everyone. The better you manage your time and make it count, the higher the value of your time. Don't waste away precious time.

2019-01-18 19:45:50 UTC

2019-01-18 19:46:13 UTC  

Have a good evening boys.

2019-01-18 20:11:29 UTC  


2019-01-18 20:11:37 UTC  
2019-01-18 22:21:39 UTC  

Germany is now putting speed limit on the autobahn... Who can guess the reasoning for it.

2019-01-18 22:43:03 UTC  

Just a friendly reminder

2019-01-18 23:50:25 UTC  

@Deleted User.
The internet is just too distructive to culture.
We've perverted are values. By subtle influences, corrupting our traditions.
Look at Bruce Jenner that was a man.
Now She is not.
What are we doing...
I know this is totally irrelevat what i have to add to my dilemma.
But hear me out.
My only best friend from preschool.
He vowed never ever to use social media,
Unless he had to.
He ended up Ghosting everybody after Grade 7. His mother ended up commiting suicide. My mother died from cancer.
We were both in our High-School years when we lost our mothers.
I only ever found him once on the Internet.
When he logged into his mothers facebook
To say that his mother had commit suicide.
On Christmas.

I think its time to drop Nicotene,Alcahol and Recreational substances.

'I think its time to leave Humanity Behind.'
As Arcade_Husky puts it.

Im also just tired of saying nasty things on the internet, mostly embarrissed.

I think in this universe there are just two types of beings.
Those who dance
And those who don't.

2019-01-18 23:57:30 UTC  

We are not living our best lives under the ANC as the youth. It feels to me like something valuable has been taken away from me. My life is like a 'Skadu teen die muur'.

2019-01-18 23:57:53 UTC  

@BraaiBroodjie touching story really, a tinge of paranoia hidden in there, but that's what makes you - you.

It's a global phenomenon boet, you aren't the only one observing the things you highlight here, you aren't the only one that feels this way, and trying to reason with it.

It's the end times, and there is a great awakening happening. Something big is coming, and you can feel it deep down inside of you, calling to you. Start preparing for the next coming, it's not too far off.

2019-01-19 00:01:29 UTC  

Im out.

2019-01-19 00:03:21 UTC  

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2019-01-19 00:04:03 UTC  


2019-01-19 00:04:15 UTC  

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

2019-01-19 12:59:05 UTC

2019-01-19 13:52:59 UTC  

@andrews2547 I request more photos of ur dog

2019-01-19 13:53:16 UTC  

My God

2019-01-19 13:54:21 UTC

2019-01-19 13:54:50 UTC  

omg ;-;

2019-01-19 15:59:42 UTC  

ag fok my