Message from @Bucko

Discord ID: 635724596989001738

2019-10-21 05:45:48 UTC  

Ever watch the ABC Series "Designated Survivor"?

2019-10-21 05:50:14 UTC  

You furried him?

2019-10-21 05:50:15 UTC  


2019-10-21 05:50:16 UTC

2019-10-21 05:50:35 UTC  

well bobby sent him this -

2019-10-21 05:50:54 UTC  

and i dropped a vid

2019-10-21 05:54:31 UTC  

@Bucko the gist i can gather from the proposed bill is that the local state gov to operate as normal even in a state or national emergency even enemy of usa attack(antifa is screwed big time)

2019-10-21 05:54:58 UTC  

yeah some of them were in here like last month or something

2019-10-21 05:55:20 UTC  

so even if marshal law is's just normal operations far as the state gov is concerned

2019-10-21 05:58:50 UTC  

I really did not need to see that creepy bunny gif again.

2019-10-21 06:05:05 UTC  

It's about line of succession, those elected slide up the ladder. The new Governor gets to select new representatives.

2019-10-21 06:06:41 UTC  

No need for messy and long elections, just pick your favorites!

2019-10-21 06:09:19 UTC  

In fact, State Governors can pick new Senators or Congress. One Example is Elijah Cummings, who is going to finish his term? Hint, his wife!

2019-10-21 06:13:17 UTC  

she's currently under federal investigation for corruption

2019-10-21 06:14:26 UTC  

under normal legal reasons ...its supposed to disqualify her to finish the term...the next applicant in the internal state's primary for the position is legally available ..but apparently she's sick right now

2019-10-21 06:14:50 UTC  

in a nyc hospital

2019-10-21 06:15:29 UTC  

so they need to run new primary and new elections since both 'candidates' are currently disqualified

2019-10-21 06:21:46 UTC  

Na, the Gov can pick someone. Primaries in the spring and election later in the fall.

2019-10-21 06:22:35 UTC  

Past Practice. It was how it was done before after 1776.

2019-10-21 06:29:58 UTC  

In fact, look at the 12 Amendment. Also the 13th, the 20th lots of changes to how they were voted in.

2019-10-21 06:32:08 UTC  

also u have to look into the setup the state has

2019-10-21 06:32:30 UTC  

the states have the option to make their own changes for their own state senators and reps

2019-10-21 13:37:42 UTC  
2019-10-21 14:51:56 UTC  

God bless constitutional carry.

2019-10-21 14:56:40 UTC  

what it does not say, is that St. Louis was the territory court at the time.

2019-10-21 15:46:32 UTC  

i dare somebody troll pelosi with this 'hows ur internet service plan working for u'

2019-10-22 01:27:33 UTC  

Glenn beck fear porn

2019-10-22 01:28:25 UTC  

He was against the left until someone showed up with a plan