Kankels McGee
Discord ID: 489597399296114688
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Cue the Maxine Waters bomb memes pls
Dey fucked
Caps and brackets SWAMP, DARK, NEXT WEEK. Please let it happen
Guess I was inactive. Didn't post much, I'll do better, I like it here.
Morning show rounds.. talking heads humanizing one of the DS leaders. It would take about 5 seconds of study to know what this man was about, and about 2hrs to know how truly evil and dangerous he was. May he rot in peace.
Gen. Kelly = DS ??
Why u mad @ alien
ET, alien, interdimensional being, fallen ones, whatever you want to call (them) Q said we're not alone. Not that I believe everything anyone says but I definitely believe that we're not alone.
Prolly wampus cat
Sad, used to like Napolitano. Complete sell out>bastard
Got a good deal on some Russian ammo, gonna set my lib relatives off when I unwrap it in front of them
Says made in Russia right on the front
Dude, why didn't I know about these??
Stocking stuffers for the boys
Gonna see if I can get em here in time
Thanks brother
Yeah, just ordered M16 and AK
Meh, firing squad will be good enough as long as public
Or.. it really is about to go down and Q wants us calm
If you can't see then I can't help you
Fuck it, I'll help you anyway
Dow/market troubles direct result of pressure on Fed>winning
Wall funding>already funded>winning
Syria deal?? Have no idea why we would want or need one so >winning
Jolly is such bitch reddit faggot
Don't mind the ping brother. Pointed this out last night in q general. America is sick with parasites. To get rid of them we need meds. It's gonna suck for a while financially speaking. So be it. We'll be better off in the long run.
Guess I jumped timelines. Just heard Putin say our withdrawal from Syria may be a mistake. Were we not there in support of rebels against Assad's regime???? Wth? What am I missing here?
Local news broadcast, I'll search for link
My thoughts exactly
Ok, my fault Putin welcomes US withdrawal. They edit shit funky also was doing other shit
They chopped it up on my local they're bad about that
Nope not us. Putin wants a pipeline...DS ..and Turkey wants different pipeline. Who the frick cares? It's certainly not worth American blood.
As far as the ME goes I'll take the Ron/Rand Paul approach
Me too fren
Funny I don't see him as a key player in the plan, but he's been preaching what we're awake to forever. Maybe that's what Q meant by we'll be shocked to know who we've been talking to. Nah, but fun to consider
Yep got the 5.7
Also, looking at what happened to him last spring/summer with the 'attack' kinda makes you wonder, maybe they tried to take him out
Yeah nonpartisan right
Damn macho man pimp hand strong!
Bitch.. who stole the blow...oooh yyeeaahh
So we vacated Syria before (((they))) could gas the children again and have the sheep screaming we need to help
Gotta think the stolen personal info just low hanging fruit right? Or more nefarious?
Last drop
Pelosi dog whistle. Blah,blah, read the last sentence. Yep you should all be worried, plan moving forward
It does feel like that. Dems have painted themselves in a corner again. Gonna be fun to watch
@John of Arc Yelp and M16 but they are back ordered so sending the AR instead๐
Preface- I'm 100% on board with everything. It's almost impossible to sit back and enjoy the show. The same ones that are drawn to this plan are A type personalities, the doers, highly motivated and fed up with this evil. I understand we are told this so that we don't accidentally upset the order of things, so I pray. Pray for it to end, pray for orders, pray for the innocent, and the people in harm's way.
Guess what I'm hoping for this season is a small victory to keep the fire burning.
He's pissed cause papa roths plan is to sell off to hurt market. So, we'll take the hit initially but be way better off in the future. Let's run the central bankers off.
How original joo playing the antisemitic card. Go to sleep David Santa's coming
Merry Christmas faggots
Once you're past a certain rank it's all political, every branch.
@boBBypEEle Agreed. Been through many storms/ hurricanes. Have definitely seen blue, orange, red even green during transformer malfunctions. May be a function of electricity reacting with fluid inside. Used to be PCB or heavy metals, not sure what is used now.
Lemonjello, orangello, nosmoking, all my kids๐
Trump>making niggas crazy since 2016
I didn't think he'd shoot for fed in first term, I thought I'd be in the second. More power to him/ us, let's get it started.
God bless the minutemen Patriots, out there patrolling the border. Thanks and Happy New Year!!
Returning to the gold backed dollar will effectively take away their illegal printing press, we all know why you're really pissed Davey.
Liddle Davey roth unhinged.. papa must've threatened to pull the trust fund unless he got busy
^^^^is that a fucking leather fanny pack?? NOICE
Caption.. rock on cheap Mexican test
Now that is funny
That's disturbing but I can't look away
What up with these dark overlord hacker niggers? Started on /pol, now on rebbut
I think they full of shit, btc flowing tho
Honest question, is getting back to gold standard even feasible at this time? If we can't then what would be the best possible outcome regarding fed?
Other than freeing our country from the central bankers, that's a no brainer.
Sorry, still have a lot to learn on this topic. Just wondering if moving to real metal backed money ( which we need/ have to do) would cause extreme inflation/ deflation? Again, sorry for my lack of knowledge.
Exactly. How bad?
So in a perfect scenario we wave a magic wand, rid ourselves of this debt and start a new with the current metal prices?? Am I close? I know it's not that easy.
Thank you for your time and help. I understand better now
Next question
When is my fucking XRP gonna moon??
@PawnWithAPurpose no my brother all good, thanks for that. Except that XRP statement tho, haha
Ah, I spec bought, no biggie just play money. Some niggas mortgaged the house ffs
Dad gave steel penny. Wrong mint tho. He had a great sense of humor!!
San Francisco or Denver mint was worth a couple thousand iirc. I have the not expensive one
Do it! Do it!
Leave it shutdown. Build the damn thing.
On the first day of darkness POTUS gave to me...
Co worker found another article from December >> swedish person went to Africa, came back with Ebola
C_A nigger
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry deleted twatter account? Was fake, nvrmnd
Yep. Solid advice. At least 72 hrs worth minimum
Lots of happenings in Congo.
Reconvene Congress at the border, haha
What "Off market" drugs is a terrifying question.
They watch everything (probably). Or we're all on the same wavelength (definitely).
We'll say when it's enough chuck
Death by 1000 cuts. Meme magik
Oh shit
Indians love watermelon
I knew that pig would show up, haha
Creepy AF, haha
Ded, they can't stomach another SCOTUS pick!
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