Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 585196049753440276

2019-06-03 19:10:16 UTC  

interesting thread...u should read it

2019-06-03 19:10:16 UTC  

Yeah Trump pointing at something also could be future Q post

2019-06-03 19:11:14 UTC  

sorry...was catching up on another server while i passed out for a few hrs

2019-06-03 19:11:51 UTC  

figured i'd relay everything of interest i found to here and other servers

2019-06-03 19:51:56 UTC  

Need red pill info on this 5 G Trump installing in USA, have followers that advocate by speeches against this tech saying their friends ,family etc died from this and it causes more cancer article for reference- Ensuring America Reaches Its 5G Potential

2019-06-03 19:53:55 UTC  

every time we drive thru an area with 5G enabled, the radio goes out to static

2019-06-03 19:54:36 UTC  

it's the interesting thing about AM radio's ...they detect all the microwave oven freq's too

2019-06-03 19:55:04 UTC  

and 5G

2019-06-03 19:56:13 UTC  

I'm hearing people get headaches ringing ears... I've got it on in my home can hear the strong static from cell phone near my headphones when on. I can tell this might be a problem 4 voters

2019-06-03 19:57:11 UTC  

All wifi/rf radiation is bad but 2.4g and 5g are kinda like the same thing

2019-06-03 19:57:43 UTC  

You can configure a cellphone to be a microwave weapon if you wanted

2019-06-03 19:57:43 UTC  

2019-06-03 19:57:54 UTC  

trump is pushing 5G in tweets because he knows msm isn't the news's the chans that keep track of all the lies going on about 5G and expose them

2019-06-03 19:58:42 UTC  

the thing is in order to run 5G or anything higher ...they need fiber networking to the towers

2019-06-03 19:58:50 UTC  

5G gives more lanes to communicate, its basically the same tech as what we are using now.

2019-06-03 19:58:54 UTC  

...and thats infrastructure

2019-06-03 19:59:20 UTC  

so basically rural areas will get fiber

2019-06-03 19:59:44 UTC  

But if you want to reduce health risks you need to find a way to make cellphone towers safer, replace wifi with lifi in your home ect.

2019-06-03 20:00:10 UTC  

gbit and even faster lanes of coms ...current top speed i know of is about 256-512gbit per fiber line

2019-06-03 20:02:46 UTC  

Is Trump working on it being safer 4 USA yet , any news on that ?

2019-06-03 20:03:55 UTC  

Idk but we can shitpost on the boards and ask him for it to be safer. He listens.

2019-06-03 20:07:17 UTC  

It's for my followers that ask these questions they are very concerned ..and I have no answers 4 them .All I can tell them is Trust Trump he knows what he's doing. Then I go to boards to see if there's any answers

2019-06-03 20:11:23 UTC  

Ty 4 the input ! 😎👍

2019-06-03 20:14:02 UTC  

I am studying for IT and any radio frequency tech is only as safe as the proximity you are to it. Whether it's microwaves, cellphones, or your homes wifi. Some people react differently to same exposure, but it's always best to see where the towers are around your area to avoid living too close to them. Those are the real cancer makers. Other than that wifi makes you fat if you put the wifi router/AP in your room.

2019-06-03 20:15:20 UTC some sites can help you search for towers as well.

2019-06-03 20:18:19 UTC  

There should be some safety guidelines then on how close these towers should safely be in communities in USA. I'm hearing people saying they have them near their yards

2019-06-03 20:21:04 UTC  

I heard this school in Cali that was paid several thousand dollars to put up a rf tower and some of the kids got brain cancer

2019-06-03 20:21:05 UTC  

I hit delete darnit

2019-06-03 20:23:29 UTC  

Yeah cali has 5 g everywhere have been putting cables in all areas for some time now ..that's why I'm kinda speechless on this for campaigning for Trump & being asked on this ..I hear horror stories about it all the time

2019-06-03 20:24:09 UTC  

It doesn't matter if it's 5g or not, that's the thing.

2019-06-03 20:25:04 UTC  

5g doesn't mean it's more dangerous.

2019-06-03 20:27:22 UTC  

I Will need to search for helpful articles to calm the masses on this one then ..TY👍

2019-06-03 21:32:17 UTC  

LIVE @DiamondandSilkWatch "Mueller, Maxine Waters, Tariff on Mexico, Crooked Hillary, Dr. Martin Luther King"

2019-06-03 22:33:59 UTC  

Watch "Live: House votes on months-delayed disaster relief package" on YouTube

2019-06-03 23:10:14 UTC  

You guys know what I want? I want in all of this my matrix moment. When I boil it down , I am craving for the public moment when you go holy shit , I want out , I want out puking and so on. That I think may be my selfishness speaking, but that is what would bring me joy. Yes I know it may be not right, and I would be happy to be last in the hierarchy of the needs of all of us- ending trafficking, justice , country ruled by laws for all. On and on. Sorry , just had a hard day and a few drinks. So cheers fam. And forgive me

2019-06-03 23:11:09 UTC  

I probably will regret all of that