Message from @GandalfTheGreen

Discord ID: 590969337616138297

2019-06-19 15:38:52 UTC  

John 5:46

2019-06-19 15:38:52 UTC  

**John 5:46 - King James Version (KJV)**


<46> For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me. ```

2019-06-19 16:22:51 UTC  

Yet he quotes not a verse. Why not? He does this a lot. Not actually quoting the supposed verses he is referring to,

Luke 24:30-34

2019-06-19 16:22:52 UTC  

**Luke 24:30-34 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<30> When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. <31> Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. <32> They said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?" <33> That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. <34> They were saying, "The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!" ```

2019-06-19 16:24:04 UTC  

They believed because of what they felt. Their heart burning within them. Not because of what Jesus quoted from the Old Testament. Again it does not state a single verse he quoted.

2019-06-19 16:24:58 UTC  

Luke 24:27

2019-06-19 16:25:01 UTC  

**Luke 24:27 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<27> Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures. ```

2019-06-19 16:30:00 UTC  

interpreted unto them. Hello. How does that make sense. Why did he have to change what it actually said in the Old Testament. Is that interpreting it or is that something else? They understood the language of the Old Testament so it was not interpreting it. He was adding to what was said. Rewriting what was said. I see that a lot in the New Testament. When it quotes it actually is rewriting it. So Isaiah's young woman, his wife, becomes a virgin. The prophecy was fulfilled when she gave birth to Immanuel. Yet it is used again in the New Testament. Alma is not a virgin. Wrong Hebrew word.

2019-06-19 17:29:19 UTC  

Hey Steve.

2019-06-19 17:29:23 UTC  

Hope you're doing well.

2019-06-19 18:17:17 UTC  

@Derek Nelson How does the rapture work on the FE model?

2019-06-19 18:17:34 UTC  

Because I believe in a "rapture"

2019-06-19 18:17:40 UTC  

Or an event rather.

2019-06-19 18:17:56 UTC  

Well, I believe in the possibility of at least 2 events that are cosmic in nature

2019-06-19 18:18:51 UTC  

The first being, the stopping of the sun. Which I believe NOT because of LSC and his followers, But because scripturally, it has happenned before.

2019-06-19 18:19:07 UTC  

The 2nd phenomena,

2019-06-19 18:19:26 UTC  

Would be the failure of universal compression aka (gravity)

2019-06-19 18:20:15 UTC  

Universal compression in the CE model (Cell Earth) is essentially the energy of creation, that pushes things into place.

2019-06-19 18:20:32 UTC  

When the Ether stops being generated from the celestial sphere,

2019-06-19 18:20:39 UTC  

The effects of universal compression will end.

2019-06-19 18:21:09 UTC  

Which would cause people to rise, waters to boil, (Basically anything not tied down to get sucked into the celestial sphere)

2019-06-19 18:21:29 UTC  

But thsoe are the 2 plausibles that I'm aware of from a CE perspective.

2019-06-19 18:21:41 UTC  

Not sure how many different scenarios FE is looking at.

2019-06-19 18:21:56 UTC  

I don’t believe in the rapture.

2019-06-19 18:22:19 UTC  

You have no idea the scrutiny I’ve received for saying so.

2019-06-19 18:22:53 UTC  

Well, I might not have the idea, but I can believe it.

2019-06-19 18:22:55 UTC  


2019-06-19 18:23:02 UTC  

Everywhere in scripture. It says we are kept from dangers. Not taken out entirely.

2019-06-19 18:23:29 UTC  

Daniel with the lions. Not kept from them, but wasn’t eaten.

2019-06-19 18:24:06 UTC  

The 3 who were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s fire. Put into the flame. But safeguarded from it.

2019-06-19 18:25:23 UTC  

It’s everywhere in scripture. Like how Christ died. He suffered it. But was not overcome.

2019-06-19 18:26:15 UTC  

We are not going to be magically dragged up into heaven to leave everyone to a terrible fate.

2019-06-19 18:26:36 UTC  

go to <#484514023698726912>

2019-06-19 18:29:54 UTC  


2019-06-19 18:29:56 UTC  


2019-06-19 18:29:59 UTC  

My thoughts too.

2019-06-19 18:30:10 UTC  

Daniel was in the den for how long?

2019-06-19 18:30:12 UTC  

3 days?

2019-06-19 19:10:13 UTC  

interesting ..DEREK here is my question... Do you think that JESUS CHRIST who is "preparing His bride" on earth for His betrothal.. is ONCE again gonna let HIS BRIDE be massacred or have to go through the Tribulation and be tainted and harmed? I dont think He will let that happen.. its a moot point .. but the strange word " HARPATZO" is the "taking away " or taking out of the church in the end of days.. OF COURSE no one know for sure.. but i would like to think that CHRIST WILL come to save His bride. He wont let His bride be exposed to the Horror of the tribulation . That is my hope.

2019-06-19 19:12:12 UTC  

here are some great things to think about.. He uses scripture so not to confuse you. Just check it out.