Message from @kyloren

Discord ID: 594538836407615488

2019-06-29 04:50:20 UTC  

Its in your past. And forgiven

2019-06-29 04:50:46 UTC  

OK,. so we are on the same page, I just did not type it right.....I dont judge someone else for a sin I am currently doing which is what I meant

2019-06-29 04:50:48 UTC  

You could pass them on if they DO NOT repent

2019-06-29 04:50:58 UTC  

Misunderstanding I think is all Roche

2019-06-29 04:51:04 UTC  

I see.. ok. Gotcha

2019-06-29 04:51:48 UTC  

It sounded like you were saying that because you have committed adultery in the past and you see somebody in the present committing adultery even though you have been forgiven and have repented and I’m not committing it presently that you don’t have the right to say anything to your brother that you see committing adultery which is wrong

2019-06-29 04:51:57 UTC  

Go voice Roche, when I type I screw everything up.? Give me a call

2019-06-29 04:52:41 UTC  

No, not in the past....Currently committing. If it is a sin I am actively engaged in I have NO right to judge them as I would be a hypocrite. Sorry if I was unclear brother.

2019-06-29 04:52:54 UTC  


2019-06-29 04:52:54 UTC  

At that point I would refer them to another elder

2019-06-29 04:53:00 UTC  

Who was not guilty

2019-06-29 04:53:25 UTC  

This is why I hate text, I tend to typo and not get my point across. Voice is best for me lol

2019-06-29 04:53:37 UTC  

If it’s a sin you’re actively engaged in you have no right to judge them I would agree you would be a hypocrite but instead of referring them to an elder I would hold his hand and go to the elder and you can make yourself as well as him if both of you are committing the offense

2019-06-29 04:53:57 UTC  

Valid point

2019-06-29 04:56:38 UTC  

Adultery and fornication ruins many familys and relationships and the kids that get in the way dont understand.. what has happened

2019-06-29 04:57:38 UTC  

Agreed, I sent you a direct message Roche

2019-06-29 04:58:25 UTC  

Temptation is around every corner.. sexual sin is alluring and way too easy to fall for

2019-06-29 04:59:07 UTC  

I agree I have to be on guard constantly

2019-06-29 04:59:15 UTC  

To protect myself

2019-06-29 14:24:00 UTC  

Why did God give us such temptation, if we were made in his image?

2019-06-29 14:45:04 UTC  


2019-06-29 15:31:00 UTC  

Luke 17:3 niv

2019-06-29 15:31:01 UTC  

**Luke 17:3 - New International Version (NIV)**


<3> So watch yourselves."If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. ```

2019-06-29 15:33:11 UTC  

Matthew 18:15-17 cjb

2019-06-29 15:33:14 UTC  

**Matthew 15:15-17 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)**


<15> Kefa said to him, "Explain the parable to us." <16> So he said, "Don't you understand even now? <17> Don't you see that anything that enters the mouth goes into the stomach and passes out into the latrine? ```

2019-06-29 15:34:15 UTC  

**Matthew 18:15-17 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)**


<15> "Moreover, if your brother commits a sin against you, go and show him his fault — but privately, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. <16> If he doesn't listen, take one or two others with you so that every accusation can be supported by the testimony of two or three witnesses. <17> If he refuses to hear them, tell the congregation; and if he refuses to listen even to the congregation, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax-collector. ```

2019-06-29 15:35:01 UTC  

Bot would not correct.

2019-06-29 15:38:17 UTC  

Matthew 18:18 kjv

2019-06-29 15:38:18 UTC  

**Matthew 18:18 - King James Version (KJV)**


<18> Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. ```

2019-06-29 15:40:48 UTC  

This sounds just like the Talmud. The Talmud says do not believe in God believe in the Sanhedrin. The Church leaders. The Talmud claims they vote and their vote should God accept.

No I do not agree Church leaders can tell God bind this or bind that. They have no sayso at all to God. What they bind is meaningless to God. God will decide it and judge it. You stupid Church leaders have no right to say this.

2019-06-29 15:42:01 UTC  

Am I getting this wrong? If so please enlighten me.

2019-06-29 15:44:00 UTC  

Furthermore. It is just wrong to bring it to the congregation. Bring it to the leader. Hope the leader can straighten it out. Never bring it to the congregation. Unless the person keeps coming and causing contention. Then it is OK for the leader to announce to the congregation this is a troll and it is best to ignore this person.

2019-06-29 15:45:06 UTC  

Thankfully the Christians I know would never do as it says to do here.

2019-06-29 15:45:53 UTC  

I never heard a preacher say what I do is binding in heaven. Except when I was a Mormon. Why I left it. They seemed they felt superior to God.

2019-06-29 15:46:41 UTC  

However I was a Mormon for 58 years. They only started to do this in the last 20 years. Mild to major and I left.

2019-06-29 15:55:40 UTC  

Is this the answer to my question

2019-06-29 15:56:28 UTC  

I guess not

2019-06-29 15:59:12 UTC  

@Hamburger Guy We are what we are.

God is not able to do some things. God can not go presto changeo now you have no desire to sin. To think that is to deny the reality of what we see on a daily basis.

Why would we even be here if God could do that spell? We would not.

2019-06-29 15:59:47 UTC  

So God is not all powerful?

2019-06-29 16:01:02 UTC  

God is all powerful but it has limitations to reality. We are what we are. When created we desire to sin.

2019-06-29 16:02:03 UTC  

How can he be all power yet at the same time limited