Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 599986340062298122

2019-07-14 06:11:43 UTC  

666 Disney was hard to take when i found out about it. Yes hard to take. It is just that it is Jesuits who are doing it. Those are not Jews at all. That is a total farce. They are Luciferian in totality. Jew is just a way to hide Lucifer whom they worship in reality.

Gnostic Luciferian worshipers. Jesuits for sure. A lot of the Jews have no clue who it is their leaders worship. Like i had no idea when I was LDS till I left and even then it took time to understand it was demons I had been communicating with not God. It was demonic not good.

2019-07-14 06:12:59 UTC  

I know what you mean, looking back I should have known, since they offered what I wanted instead of what I needed

2019-07-14 06:13:33 UTC  

Gotta test spirits

2019-07-14 06:14:28 UTC  

I feel bad for the deceived Jews. As to the Jesuits I realize the pure evil they are. Sure i feel sorry for them but I understand there is no way to help them. They will pay the price for their sins.

Yes those demons offered me a huge amount of money. But it also required cheating on my wife and that was it. I was out.

2019-07-14 06:17:10 UTC  

I also knew by then that the money was not doing good for my family. They told me my depression would be made far worse. That was a price I was prepared to pay. I guess I paid for the sin of being demonic. Not sure how that works. I really did no sin. I did not steal or anything.

2019-07-14 06:18:07 UTC  

Idk I’m not going to judge somebody i don’t know

2019-07-14 06:18:13 UTC  

Well I have to go to bed. 2 AM here. God will help you. God is.

2019-07-14 06:18:29 UTC  

Yeah man good talking. God bless, praying for you, goodnight

2019-07-14 06:18:32 UTC  

I am good with God now. I was speaking of many years ago.

2019-07-14 06:19:25 UTC  

I can tell. Doctrine may differ, but you can sense it in people. 👍 the fruit is good

2019-07-14 08:16:16 UTC

2019-07-14 08:16:26 UTC  

Return to the Creed of Jesus

2019-07-14 15:05:43 UTC  

@Steve Angell Mormons used to be like the pseudo-jews of their era, usurping the power and economies of local townspeople, until the US military drove them into Utah. Unfortunately today they still are within political and other means of control, such as their corporate temples—one position was actually the president of Disney. Lots of them are also involved with transhumanism and that bullshit; though if they truly believed in an after-life, they wouldn't struggle so much to prolong this life and forestall it. Anyway, as for the Jesuits, Pope Francis is one and many past presidents—Bill Clinton and Trump both graduated from the order together.

2019-07-14 15:11:41 UTC  

@Morning Dew Also Red Bull had a commercial that dropped a redpill about the moon landing being faked recently, which is why NASA ("to deceive" in paleo-hebrew) has this propaganda on about going 'back' in 2024 or whatever. NOVA is promoting the whole thing as well but you can find the 666 sigil within the spirals coming off the 'O'—much like the Google one.

Also original religion, in the times of the shamans, was proto-psychology. There was one role for the priest but it was trinitarian in that the shaman could treat the body, the mind, and the spirit via herbal medicines, rituals with fellowmen, and psychedelic brews to reach true communion with one's self or god. Splitting this into multiple roles, like the modern physician and chaplain, caused man to treat these things separately, mechanically—which isn't effective we now realize, a problem in a secularism.

And we are still living under Roman Law, yes, but screw those obelisks.

2019-07-14 15:28:31 UTC  

Glad Enn knows of Birth Creditors vs Birth Debtors

2019-07-14 15:29:37 UTC  

I would watch out for the year 2160...

2019-07-14 15:30:14 UTC  

6 times 6 is 36, and 36 times 6 is 216

2019-07-14 15:30:21 UTC  

Three repeating sixes

2019-07-14 15:31:30 UTC  

Revelation 13:18

2019-07-14 15:31:30 UTC  

**Revelation 13:18 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<18> This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six. ```

2019-07-14 15:33:02 UTC  


2019-07-14 15:33:15 UTC  

To calculate the number of the beast

2019-07-14 15:33:34 UTC  

which means, that perhaps 666 is not the number that will be forced, as that is too obvious

2019-07-14 15:33:39 UTC  

but perhaps, 216

2019-07-14 15:34:02 UTC  

Which of course, would end the debate as to whether or not Linear Maths is true

2019-07-14 15:38:53 UTC  

It has to be triple six, it's biblical

2019-07-14 15:39:21 UTC  

It has to be obviously for the wicked to choose evil

2019-07-14 15:41:06 UTC  

right, but the number presented, would probably not be. One would have to use simple maths to calculate the number. hence 216

2019-07-14 15:42:25 UTC  

I don't trust anyone with the last name of Henry

2019-07-14 15:42:40 UTC  

as Henry was the surname given to the disgraced cowards of Blackfoot tribe

2019-07-14 15:43:12 UTC  

Henry is the surname for the person selling those chips at least on ebay

2019-07-14 15:44:05 UTC  

216 won't work

2019-07-14 15:44:21 UTC  

21 is 7*7*7

2019-07-14 15:44:44 UTC  

but 6 * 6 * 6 is 216

2019-07-14 15:45:02 UTC  

Maybe that year will be the 'real' alien invasion, and by that time the UNSC (United Nations Space Command, from *Halo*) will be a thing and they'll have Spartans and ODST on standby after using them to eliminate any resistance to the one-world government prior lol.

2019-07-14 15:45:18 UTC  

lol enn

2019-07-14 15:45:24 UTC  

It's going to be blatantly obvious and the atheists and satanists are going to get it while mocking us

2019-07-14 15:45:25 UTC  

@Xi Jinping That is like saying that 666 is 216 using our number system. Greek is specific 666. They did find a couple of scrolls which said 616. But no Greek does not say multiply the numbers.

2019-07-14 15:46:21 UTC  

But many self proclaimed Christians and followers of Christ will also receive it without knowing of it's intent, or because they wish to make it easier on themesleves