Message from @Wretch

Discord ID: 586290624152731669

2019-06-06 15:53:57 UTC  

Vaccines are ok guys , ok

2019-06-06 16:40:19 UTC  

as long as they don't contain anything suspicious

2019-06-06 18:23:22 UTC  

seems the MMR is killing and spreading disease

2019-06-06 18:24:04 UTC  

looks like you guys need to get your facts straight and stop buying into all the BS in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA

2019-06-06 18:56:53 UTC  

Please vaccinate your children

2019-06-06 18:57:12 UTC  

It dost cause autism you just some dumb mf

2019-06-06 18:57:24 UTC  

They will die at the age of three

2019-06-06 18:58:09 UTC  


2019-06-06 18:58:48 UTC  

I would heck a antivax because I would rather just pay 3 years worth of child support

2019-06-06 19:17:27 UTC  

Yeah ill need an autopsy report before that can be validated as true

2019-06-06 19:42:32 UTC  

you anti-vaxxers please give me one reason why i shouldn't vaccinate my kids

2019-06-06 20:29:03 UTC  

A quote from the father of scientific population control, Thomas Malthusian, serves as a reminder of the true intentions of some scientists and social engineering programs:

2019-06-06 20:29:12 UTC  

“Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.

2019-06-06 20:29:37 UTC  

“In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations.*12 But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.
“If by these and similar means the annual mortality were increased from 1 in 36 or 40, to 1 in 18 or 20, we might probably every one of us marry at the age of puberty, and yet few be absolutely starved.” ~ Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1826

2019-06-06 20:32:18 UTC  


2019-06-06 22:07:05 UTC  

If you like authority, you're a happy and willing slave.

2019-06-06 22:07:34 UTC

2019-06-06 22:35:48 UTC  

Im going through the 157 papers right now and i already see a problem in the first one. The whole point of a 95% confidentiality range is to see if the difference in 2 sets of data are due ti chance. If the ranges overlap there is no significant statistical difference between the two. When you say there is a connection between the 2 and you give ranges overlapping thats just not understanding how to use 95% confidentiality. In other words the experiment supports no connection between the 2.

I realize this is going to take a long time but im going to go through them all anyways until i find one that works

2019-06-06 22:49:16 UTC  

2. Nothing wrong with this paper more of a user error though

They come to the conclusion based off of an anonymous survey that vaccinated kids are more likely to have certain neurological diseases. HOWEVER that is a big user error to assume that they were caused by thr vaccines because there is one thing being forgotten: the sample size could very well be biased to one side. If people who are more likely to get a vaccine but because they have these diseases already then people with autism could be more likely to get vaccinated. Unfortunately we cant make that claim either because the reverse could be true.

2019-06-06 22:50:06 UTC  

So in other words the paper says nothing

2019-06-06 22:52:27 UTC  

3 is the exact same problem

2019-06-06 23:08:02 UTC  

4 same problem as 1. I thought it would be a good study especially because thats what health institute's tell pregnant women to avoid but they found the opposite result and supported the opposite claim they should have. I dont understand why its difficult. This is literally the first thing we learned in my class and the ap biology test uses this overlapping range to try to screw people up especially with bar graphs but people are just being dumb and not looking at there data. Also its a different topic anyways

2019-06-06 23:19:02 UTC  

5 support the experiment but not directly connected to vaccines. Also to any antivaxxers this paper is directing you to use mercury arguements not aluminium. Actually aluminium causing autism is basically destroyed. If youre interested in what to look for check 5. Of course this means youll have to check if mercury accumulation prevents mercury detoxification but it has the most potential so far. Still not proven or definite evidence just a leading direction

2019-06-06 23:24:26 UTC  

6 would love to check 6 but they dont appear to give me any data so i have to assume their claim is unjustified. Got to give me more than an abstract. All the other ones do. Seems like it could be a legitimate experiment but they need actual data with it.

2019-06-06 23:26:18 UTC  

7 not vaccines supports 5

2019-06-06 23:33:11 UTC  

8 problem is rat brains and human brains are not similar enough to assume the results are the same. Legitament study

2019-06-06 23:38:09 UTC  

9 mice not people

2019-06-06 23:41:45 UTC  

10 interesting and weird. The rat arguement isnt actually valid in this case but the topic is not connected to mercury levels in vaccines and it is not tested to model levela of mercury in human vaccines or with ethylmercury or whatever is within the vaccines. But it does prove interesting with source 5 and 7

2019-06-07 00:02:51 UTC  

Also your thing is an online library not a scientific journal

2019-06-07 01:25:30 UTC  

yea of scientific papers lol

2019-06-07 01:26:45 UTC  

besides all you cite is government institutions which are know to lie and manipulate data so you got no real credible sources

2019-06-07 01:26:57 UTC  

that is a fact

2019-06-07 01:28:30 UTC  

i guess you forgot that

2019-06-07 01:29:01 UTC  

that is like taking a liar into a court room and trying to use them as a credible source of info