Message from @the21cat

Discord ID: 582732466805014548

2019-05-27 17:58:04 UTC  

no but it doesn't blow air into the shed

2019-05-27 17:58:19 UTC  

That’s the problem colleges and universities have today. Duplicating an experiment in an enclosed container. To limit any outside interference.

2019-05-27 17:58:33 UTC  

no but it doesn't blow air into the shed

2019-05-27 17:58:57 UTC  

yeah or a room air sealed

2019-05-27 17:59:43 UTC  

but air being around a shed wont cause the arms to rotate. thats not a force

2019-05-27 18:03:04 UTC  

Obviously you didn’t even watch the video. You’re arguing against something that was just shown how air has an impact on it and can cause the arms to rotate. But an 18th century shed, is air tight in your mind, so I think this is already ridiculous.

2019-05-27 18:03:05 UTC  

also i will say there is no way a pendulum would proves earth rotation thats just flawed

2019-05-27 18:03:52 UTC  

its not air tight but it doesnt have a constant directional air flow into the shed in one direction

2019-05-27 18:04:37 UTC  

And what are you basing that on? As if wind can’t blow against a shed from one direction?

2019-05-27 18:06:00 UTC  

it would prevent any oscillation though without doubt

2019-05-27 18:15:38 UTC  

Ill be gone for a good chunk of the day but post any comments you have and i will respond to them

2019-05-27 18:16:59 UTC

2019-05-27 18:27:47 UTC

2019-05-27 18:27:55 UTC

2019-05-27 18:30:55 UTC

2019-05-27 20:10:18 UTC  

MASS does not attract MASS..

2019-05-27 20:10:31 UTC  

GRAVITY fallacy once again

2019-05-27 22:54:47 UTC  

Maybe there was an underground river under Cavendishs shed

2019-05-28 00:49:31 UTC  

So cool looks like we lost Derek Nelson to a different topic

2019-05-28 00:50:46 UTC  

The only comment here is wind caused the movement, but people cant say that causes oscillation

2019-05-28 00:51:00 UTC  

Yeah he definetly is

2019-05-28 00:56:01 UTC  

@the21cat You used the Foucault pendulum to infer that mass attracts mass. You’re in your own world if you think that’s what the ‘experiment’ was even about. So, yeah. Not even going to address that.

2019-05-28 00:57:29 UTC  

No i used a pendulum to expain how energy work not even as a part of the experiment

2019-05-28 01:02:32 UTC  

Explain how what energy works? The pendulum has to be manually started, and mechanized to continue the movement, otherwise it stops working. Huh?

2019-05-28 01:41:13 UTC  

Manually started by energy imputed into the system via lifting it

2019-05-28 01:45:32 UTC  

Mechanized i suppose but more or less things fall and gain speed (thus kinetic energy too) and then it cant fall because of tension but it can move because of speed in a horizontal direction so it resets to the same form of potential energy at the top of its swing

2019-05-28 01:47:03 UTC  

Also i dont know why people are trying to throw rotation of the earth in this. Its completely unrelated to how a pendulum moves

2019-05-28 01:56:00 UTC  

Perhaps because you don’t need to cite a Foucault pendulum to identify what point you’re trying to make. Since Foucault pendulum’s, were specifically meant to prove earth’s rotation, but were unsuccessful. Lots of confusion here, and it’s not because I’m off in my own world, thanks.

2019-05-28 02:17:07 UTC  

A pendulum moves regardless of if the earth rotates or not. The real question is why is there confusion over this? If you think the earth rotates you can easily create a pendulum and the rotation should factor out because we are on earth and if you dont think the earth rotates then pendulums still work and we are still on earth. The gravity thing has nothing to do with rotation of the earth. To be totally honest i dont know what a Foucalt pendulum is but i know that it and rotation are totally unrelated. My whole point with the pendulum was juat that it oscillates through energy changing forms but now it has become foucault pendulum and im really confused why the analogy turned into rotation of the earth

2019-05-28 02:50:51 UTC

2019-05-28 02:59:39 UTC  

--Foucault 's pendulum
It is a joke and a gimmick and once you look into it you realize it has more to do with the way it's released upon setup than it actually demonstrating the rotation of the earth. IFFFFFFFF the Foucault pendulum was a correct tool of measurement then a helicopter would be able to take off, hover and land at a different location because of the spin of the earth. But PFFFT they want to have it both ways.
Too many inconsistencies in the heliocentric model---and it has become quite clear to a lot of us intelligent ones among us that> heliocentricity does not represent reality.

2019-05-28 03:00:00 UTC  

▬Also, if the pendulum really worked, no one would have to put it in motion <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594>

2019-05-28 03:00:15 UTC  


2019-05-28 03:00:22 UTC  

***********ALLAIS effect - The Allais effect refers to the anomalous behavior of pendulums or gravimeters, which is sometimes observed during a solar eclipse.

2019-05-28 03:02:08 UTC  

--Pendulums actually probably follow the electromagnetic behavior of the earth ..and the SKY THAT'S ROTATING above us
--the pendulum CHANGES DIRECTION <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594>
-- Are you telling me the "earth" is CHANGING IT'S ROTATION/DIRECTION?? isnt.

The pendulums are bunk and false-proofs. The earth does NOT rotate or spin or move.\ <:snapsnap:484956825863585792>

2019-05-28 05:53:31 UTC  

if a helicopter was to take off in one spot they would move with the air, it tilts , it pushes of the air in the opposite direction and the helicopter moves the direction tilted. The Foucault's pendulum does not work with that air, it can independent to the air and work the same way

2019-05-28 05:56:35 UTC  

you must not have understood the meaning @Nico2020

2019-05-28 05:57:17 UTC  

--hmm i think we have had this discussion before, huh

2019-05-28 05:57:27 UTC  

and misunderstood it then too

2019-05-28 05:57:44 UTC  

i was just refiring to the first part, if the pendulum rotates due to the earths rotation, it doesn't mean the thing to the helicopter happens